Do You Ever Get Overwhelmed?


Well-Known Member
Hi Ladies:

I was just sitting here (at work of course :) ) thinking about how overwhelmed I get by God's grace and mercy. Sometimes, I feel like He keeps putting up with my stuff, and yet He still loves me.

No matter what we do, He always loves us. There is no greater unconditional love than His. No matter where you are in your walk with Him, take a moment and be overwhelmed by His love.

I get stressed out when I think about areas of my life that I'm trying to change, and some of my "wrong" ways I'm trying to make right. I get so critical of myself, but there is my Heavenly Father, telling me to continue the walk/journey, no matter how many times I fall. He is right there to pick me up again. He is there to tell me, if you want to change, it WILL happen!
Amen..Amen...I feel you....

I am constantly trying to make improvements in my life and sometimes I get to the point where I feel like there is simply to much to do.....I get overwhelmed...

But then God gently reminds me of what He has accomplished in me, where He has brought me from, of His infinite power to intervene in my situation...and I am overwhelmed by His generousity, His grace and mercy...whew His patience and forgiveness...

So yea..I feel ya...its so easy to become overwhelmed by God because what He does in our lives is beyond intellectual comprehension...worshipping Him in spirit and in truth is only appropriate response.
The love God has for us is overwhelming! The fact that He chose us is overwhelming. I often wonder, why did God choose me? Why did Jesus accept to die for our sins? (You know if it were up to me, everyone would be on a slow boat to hell. :look: )But then I have to quickly say "Thank-You, LORD!" You didn't abandon me and turn me over to the world, though I deserved it. It's nothing I said, or did, or could ever do. It was simply the love He has for me, and I'm grateful and humbled to be numbered among His chosen. :)
Thanks Ladies! I was listening to a sermon on tv last night, and the pastor mentioned this very topic of God's everlasting love. I knew it was the Lord ministering to my heart :)
Yes I do get overwhelmed when I think about how God knows everything about me, past-present-future and yet, He drew me to Himself, through His Only Begotten Son.

I tell you, it just moves me to tears.

What an absolute honor it is to be called and chosen by Him.

By His poverty, I became rich,
By stripes, I am healed,
By His resurrected power I shall be caught up in the air
to live with Him forever.

O my Lord, How Great Thou Art!
meek&quietspirit said:
Yes I do get overwhelmed when I think about how God knows everything about me, past-present-future and yet, He drew me to Himself, through His Only Begotten Son.

I tell you, it just moves me to tears.

What an absolute honor it is to be called and chosen by Him.

By His poverty, I became rich,
By stripes, I am healed,
By His resurrected power I shall be caught up in the air
to live with Him forever.

O my Lord, How Great Thou Art!

Your post really hit close to home for me, especially the bolded part. He knows all the mistakes we've already made, and the ones we will make in the future, but still He loves us.
Yes all the time!, im like hold on, i do wrong, and aslong as im sincere your gonna forgive me? whats the catch??? I guess its because we are so use to humans e.g everyone won't forgive you, or if they do, they hold a grudge, but he just loves me so much to forgive me. His love has me in awe
Crissi said:
Yes all the time!, im like hold on, i do wrong, and aslong as im sincere your gonna forgive me? whats the catch??? I guess its because we are so use to humans e.g everyone won't forgive you, or if they do, they hold a grudge, but he just loves me so much to forgive me. His love has me in awe

ITA with you, especially the bolded part! As they say, His ways are higher and greater than ours!