do you ever feel like...


Active Member
you wanna post your progress pix but at the same time you feel like your "progress" isn't progress enough?? Lol some people on this board have super amazing fast hair growth and top notch retention. I relaxed my hair recently and have a few pix on my phone, but dunno if i should share :look:, it's a 3 month period, was gonna wait til later on to relax but i couldnt take my thick 4b new growth mixed with the relaxed hair anymore.
Do you ever feel like your hair growth isn't fast enough/up to par with the people on this board?
All the time...I have hair anorexia, I will never feel like my hair is growing enough, or growing at the rate it should be...thank gewdness for picture journals...

I'd love to see your progress though :grin:
lol i guess i'll post them when i get to a computer (posting frm phone) if y'all promise not to e-laugh :lachen: jk
I absolutely feel the same way you do!!! I get all down in the dumps about my progress when I see all these lovely heads of hair blowing clean past me with no hesitation. But you just gotta remember...don't compare your hair to others. YOUR hair is YOUR hair and will do what it wants.
Please post your pictures. When I first started lurking the boards, I wondered why so few people posted results photos at the end of challenges. I think many are concerned that their reveal will not be dramatic enough which is a shame IMO. Many of us are not having the dramatic results we sometimes see but we are still getting steady growth. I suspect your pictures will be inspiring to many of us.
I'm a slow and steady grower. I used to feel the same way but realized we each have our own journey. Don't worry about that. Some progress is better than none.
I feel that way a lot too. I started in February and when I stretch my strands out there's been quite a bit of progress since then but you can't really see it because of Major Shrinkage! :perplexed
^^^Ditto. I feel like I retained every bit of what I grew this year. And I made APL 2 months ahead of schedule, but with this shrinkage, I feel like my hair is gonna look crazy short in pics!! I'm toying with the idea of postponing progress pics till next year!
I can e-relate. That's why I'm mostly in lurk mode. Maybe I'll give it a try when I hit mbl (which may not happen thiis :(
On a positive note, it's growing :)
I am the same way. That is why I have not posted a pic since June/July.....the pic that is in my siggy. I am trying hard to wait till the new year.....I notice a difference in my length, but it's not that great compared to others who have BC'd areound the same time as me, and even after me! Hopefully once I get some more length I'll have more confidence.
I have major shrinkage too. Tuesday night (Nov 2), I just washed my hair after 1.5 months of not washing. I know I got some growth, but when I stretched my hair in the back, it looked like the length was in the same spot as when I did it back in August. :ohwell: However, it did look a bit fuller. Luckily, I haven't been experiencing any breakage like I was several months ago, just some shedding. I just hope I can reach BSL by the end of December.
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I feel like this right now. I have like 50 pics I wanna post, but I'm not cause none show and growth. I keep getting damaged in from my dangerous love affair with the flat iron. I've probably trimmed 3 times this year alone and each time it was 2 to 3 inches. That's all my growth.
Yup, I sometimes worried that I only see what I want to see, and I am fearful of having my delusions shattered, that and making sure I don't show my face when I look less than ideal and I may never post pictures.:lol:
yep. That's why I'm a lurker. Even though I'm somewhere between APL and BSL (and have been so for over a year), I feel like I can't hang with the big girls up here in regards to retention and length. I think I'd be happy posting if I were happier with my retention.
A great big ***HUG*** to everyone who doesn't feel as if they should post their pics. I personally love to see pictures whether or not they show grow/damage or a hairstyle I've not seen.

I hope you ladies do take the plunge and post some pictures one day. I'll be cheering you on!
YES! I almost feel like the updates I have aren't impressive unless it's like, a year! :( I still am not sure what is average progress for growing out natural hair, because most ladies transition for a long time so the start out with hair longer than mine.

WOW, and just as I typed that, I had a length update on my blog and one of my friends goes, "Yea that's not much." :(
WOW, and just as I typed that, I had a length update on my blog and one of my friends goes, "Yea that's not much." :([/QUOTE]

I'm mad for you. People should keep their negative comments to themselves.
WOW, and just as I typed that, I had a length update on my blog and one of my friends goes, "Yea that's not much." :(

I'm mad for you. People should keep their negative comments to themselves.[/QUOTE]

He is eeeeewwwwing me out right now! His gf also has curly hair, and he was like, "Yea, her hair doesn't grow either." And I was like ummmm yes it does grow, it's just not as prominent b/c it's curly and shrinks and isn't straight...

I thought this was pretty good!!! Quick Length Update

Yep! I have been on here for some years and I have seen more progress from most women in 1 year than I have seen in my own hair since I joined LHCF. SMH. But comparison pics really do help b/c sometimes I just don't see it...
Now that I think about it, I agree with this.
I would never post a length check unless I've hit a milestone. Like APL, BSB, etc. And even still, I hit SL natural last month and didn't post. I just don't think people find anything above BSL really impressive. I probably won't post at APL either since I hit that while transitioning, but I do keep my albums updated for my personal reference. But once I hit BSB, I'll be posting like crazy... lol. You'll be ignoring my length check threads.
I noticed the difference in fullness which says to me that it's grown because curly hair always looks "bigger" to me the longer it is.
I feel the same way - post yours, maybe it will inspire the rest of us Shy girls to post:) I think the progress pics that aren't as dramatic encourage us newbies to practice patience:)
All the time. Especially since all I have is a twa. No matter how much its grown recently its still just a twa for now. Compared to other peoples progress pics mine would be pointless to post.

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yes. I've been natural for over 15 years. My hair has hovered at MBL for that long though I never really focused on growing it longer.

I've been active on this site for almost 2 years (lurked prior) and have seen folks with BCs get to WL. Last year, I knew I'd be one of them. I was so dissapointed to take the EOY picture. I haven't taken one since last Dec. I plan another check at around Christmas. We shall see..
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I definitely feel that way. Especially since my hair gets fuller before it drops in length. So I can see the fullness but I don't immediately recognize the length because it's not as significant as I'd like. Sigh. It's a slow process but it's getting there, lol.
I'm a slow and steady grower. I used to feel the same way but realized we each have our own journey. Don't worry about that. Some progress is better than none.

Sorry to get off topic but your hair is so beautiful. I watched your videos and they are helpful. I to have very dense thick hair that shrinks tremendously if left to it's own so thanks for sharing and it's good to know that you have grown this phenomenal length with maintaining your natural texture. I was wondering how much work it was going to be when I reach your
Yes! I take tons of picture for my own personal consumption. And I can see the progress in them, but I don't show them to anyone, because I really don't think another person would examine them as minutely as I do and be excited for the 1/10th of an inch growth that can only be seen under the microscope. LOL
Yep I feel that way but from a viewer prospective I think many of us just love seeing pics of healthy hair regardless if it's short medium long natural relaxed texed etc