Do you dress up for your man?


New Member
Do you go the whole way make up hair did etc. If you wore a lace wig would you still dress up but not wear the wig? Thoughts? Does your So dress up for you?
Yes, I dress up all the time for him. I will note that we are in a LDR, so I see him every 3-4 weeks. If he was here I would do the same thing though. I love to dress up for my man and always have.

I never understood the women who dated my brother, they would be dressed to the nines and my brother would have on a t-shirt, jean and sneakers. My mother was on him all the time about that, he didnt see any thing wrong with it. I told, that is a darn shame.
I do. I'm a girly girl by nature so I love getting dressed anyway. I wear my 5" Christian Louboutins, I wear my silk dresses and blouses, my hair is always done, nice makeup etc.
I dress up for my DH on the regular. During the week I normally dress down for work (jeans) but on the weekend .. 'our time' I make sure I'm XTRA cute when we go out :yep: and he dresses for me as well.. although he pretty much has to 'dress' for work anyways :)
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I dont have an SO right now but when I did I would dress up for him...more importantly though I would be dressed up for myself:yep:....I do it now while single sexy and loving me!!!
Ummm I always look good/dress up for myself :look: So if he happens to see it, good for him :yep:

oops, my vain is showing :lol:
I have to dress up for work a couple of days a week. So he benefits from that. The only thing Dh is really concerned about is me letting my hair down when I get home. He does like to see me in dresses. He mentioned recently he would like to see me in long strapless maxi dresses. I told him after I get my boob job that'll be all I wear.
If we are going out, then yes, but not to sit in the house. In the house I confess I'm a hot mess. Doesn't stop him tryna hit it tho'
I didn't in the beginning - I wear a lot of tanks, blazers and skinny jeans (with ballet flats for day or heels/wedges at night). This is me, all day every day!



We've started going to different types of events, so I'm trying to wear more skirts and dresses (which is a new thing for me - because I'm very much a shorts/jeans girl). But yea...I'm trying to dress up more...
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Great responses but i mean do you dress sexy for you man like lingerie etc especially when you've been ina relationship for a while do you still dress sexy for bed. U kno whast ima start a new thread keep this one going
I'm single right now. When I do get an SO I will totally dress up for him. Like someone else said, I'm a girly girl already so it won't really be tough cause I love dressing up for myself anyway. When I look good I feel good.
I wear sweats to work so I love dressing up on "our time". He loves low-cut dresses...I wore a cleavage showing maxi dress to dinner one night and he was grinning non-stop. (But I also love when he wear blazers, khakis and a prep-school tie.) I used to do a full-face of makeup, but he likes a natural look. I think men like lingerie but for the most part if you have a tank top and panties on, they will be just as happy.
I have to dress up for work a couple of days a week. So he benefits from that. The only thing Dh is really concerned about is me letting my hair down when I get home. He does like to see me in dresses. He mentioned recently he would like to see me in long strapless maxi dresses. I told him after I get my boob job that'll be all I wear.

i agree :yep:

If we are going out, then yes, but not to sit in the house. In the house I confess I'm a hot mess. Doesn't stop him tryna hit it tho'


I didn't in the beginning - I wear a lot of tanks, blazers and skinny jeans (with ballet flats for day or heels/wedges at night). This is me, all day every day!



We've started going to different types of events, so I'm trying to wear more skirts and dresses (which is a new thing for me - because I'm very much a shorts/jeans girl). But yea...I'm trying to dress up more...

if that's your style then your style is mad fierce!!! i love blazers and jeans and heels together!!!!! this is totally my fave style
I do. I'm a girly girl by nature so I love getting dressed anyway. I wear my 5" Christian Louboutins, I wear my silk dresses and blouses, my hair is always done, nice makeup etc.

Same here. I love any excuse to dress. I would walk around in ball gowns and diamonds all day, every day if that was feasible. I just love being glamorous and dressed up.

I only wear sweats and t-shirts at the gym or if I'm alone.
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Great responses but i mean do you dress sexy for you man like lingerie etc especially when you've been ina relationship for a while do you still dress sexy for bed. U kno whast ima start a new thread keep this one going

Oh yes, definitely. I don't even try to pull that shorts and t-shirt mess. It's bad enough that I wear an Aunt Jemima scarf so I have to offset that somehow.:lachen: