Do you DC after Co-Washing??


Well-Known Member
Do any of you deep condition after co-washing? If so, how often are you co-washing and deep conditioning?

I usually deep condition on my dry hair for 30-60 minutes (depending on the condidioner) then rinse then put in a regular conditioner for a couple minutes, massage and rinse. If I have a lot of product build-up I co-wash first then deep condition
I use the same conditioner to co-wash as I do to deep condition. I just add a little coconut milk to it. So, on deep conditioning days thats all I do...just put on my normal conditioner with a little coconut milk and let it sit for 30mins-1hour
I add my moisturizing conditioner (Phyto II Intense Nutritional Masque) to dry hair, then steam it for an hour (super hot damp towel under plastic cap) before cowashing with Pantene R/N Intense Moisturizing Con or Aveda Damage Remedy Con 2 to 3 times per week.

The only time I do a post wash DC is after a relaxer or after clarifying.
No, I just do a quick co wash in the shower and leave it at that :ohwell:
Lately I've:

Deep Conditioned on dry hair overnight with Miss Key 10 en 1 Super conditioner and plastic cap

followed by, Shampooingwith Palmer Coconut Oil shampoo......Followed by Post Deep Conditioner using Palmer's Coconut Moisturizing conditioner for 40 mins and plastic cap.

My hair loved it. Results turned out soft, moist, and naturally shiney.

I do this once a week.
I DT after every co-wash. Every time I wet my head, no matter if I'm using shampoo or conditioner, I always DT. On average, I do this 2-3 times a week. My hair is thriving on this routine!