Do you comb while wet or while dry??????


New Member
Everytime I comb while my hair is wet, it brakes of :nono: and yes im using a very wide tooth comb, :(

the only way that I can comb my hair without it braking to much, is when its 100% dry and then put oil in it..

does anyone else do that too?? just asking because I've always heard to comb my hair while wet.

I guess my hair is like paper?? easy to tare while wet. I dont know:perplexed
im natural. ( it may make a difference since when i was relaxed there was NO way i could have combed my hair wet, even with conditioner)

i comb daily while wet. usually with conditioner an ive never experienced any breakage.
I am natural too. I only comb once a week or whenever I wash. I used to detangle my hair in the shower with a lot of conditioner. I think my hair was stretchier when wet then I would like,, so I recently switched to detangling dry hair SOAKED in oil. I find this easier on my hair - I think I end up with less hair in the comb, and I also feel I am more patient because I am not rushing through detangling because I am not standing in the shower, either wasting hot water or freezing with the water off, while I detangle. :bath2:
yes I comb while wet but I use a serum to help ease my hair on the may want to try a serum to help...:yep:
i am TRANSITIONING :swearing: so i have SERIOUS problems detangling both wet and dry - i have no idea what to do w/myself.
I think based on this thread, i will try drowning my hair in oil or serum.
thanks ladies.
....bumping for more replies........
I wear my hair in a French braid daily so every night I take it down, apply moisturizer and just pin it up while I take a shower. After I get out of the shower I comb with a very wide tooth comb. I guess the heat from the shower helps my moisturizer soften my hair. So I'm able to comb daily without any breakage. In the morning my hair is still soft and moisturized so I just re-do my braid using my fingers to comb where necc.
IME, anytime I have had a breakage issue, wet or dry, it's been due to an imbalance with moisture or protein. When the wet hair breaks, does it follow the comb or does it just break off abruptly? Does your hair feel mushy or rough when wet? Take a look at what products you are using and see if maybe you've gone too far in one direction.

HTH :)
I too am transitioning and combing while we is a BIG no no. I tried it a few times and it was a disaster. I will usually comb my hair before I jump in the shower so I won't be tempted to comb while in ther. Detangling is so much easier for me when my hair is 100% dry.
My hair combs easiest while it's under the shower stream and I'm rinsing out my conditioner. If I comb while wet outside of the shower, even with conditioner, the strands wrap around the teeth of my wide-tooth comb, stretch, and snap :nono:.

I find it's less damaging for me to detangle under the shower, wrap my hair in a towel until it's damp (but not wet), apply my leave-ins, moisturizers, etc., and then comb again to separate the strands. I get no breakage or shedding this way :yep:.

I also don't have any trouble combing my dry hair whether it's airdried or straightened because I don't have any tangles and I use a wide-tooth comb.
I usually comb while my hair is wet in the shower. Every once in a while I will comb it when it is dry if it's been straightened.
I comb in the shower when detangling and also a little bit when I style. I finger comb when dry.
okay so I can see that it works for some of you to comb while dry also..

maybe it was because I did a really really long deep conditioner yesterday, I dont know.