Do you celebrate when you reach goal?

I've decided that since just sitting around watching my hair grow is getting a bit boring I thought that I could make the process more fun. Right now I'm looking for different ways to celebrate hitting my goals (which will most likely be determined after touchups). At the moment I've been looking for different hairstyles that would go great with my new lengths. When I hit these various lengths after stretching, I'll wear these styles for a few days after my touchup. This is new for me since I have never been known to wear a hairstyle, EVER! Do any of the ladies here have any ideas or experiences with celebrating hair length goals?
I buy myself presents:) . I just bought myself a pair of silver stud Tiffany earrings for reaching shoulder length. I sure do spoil myself.:grin: :lachen:
I like this thread! :up:

I always celebrate on and the day(s) after relaxer touch-up day. I figure I'm reaching my goals no matter what. ;) I reward myself with something new (clothes, shoes, etc.) and eat at my favorite restaurant and do something else that's fun to me, such as going to the theater to see a good play.
Yea, that sounds like a great idea. I was thinking of waiting until I reach my hair goals to buy a new outfit. I rarely buy clothes so I thought perhaps wearing my new styles with a new outfit. I also have tried lining up my goal dates with important dates like first day of classes and Christmas. Thanks for the contribution!!