Do you believe...


If it is meant to will be?

Who agrees to this when it comes to relationships and why? If not, what do you think about this statement. So many people keep telling me this. I wonder if people have different thoughts about this statement. Sometimes I think it is just something people say to make you feel better about a situation. What do you really think?
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to me personally its along the lines of let go and let love (GOD)...put out there what you want and let it happen.....go along with the internal wisdom of

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
the courage to change the things I can;
and the wisdom to know the difference.

a lil faith, patience and trust goes a long way in letting life play out and experiencing all the blessings in life

a lot of fear causes one to force, construct, change, not accept how things are and not trust the process....lots of people have no faith in anything, esp if they don't have sense of "security" around something or somebody and now time has to be taken out to learn how to discard fear to get to love
Yes and No. Yes because you can't control everything and no because relationships take work and too often people become passive in their relationships and expect them to be all great and wonderful all the time.
If it is meant to will be?

Who agrees to this when it comes to relationships and why? If not, what do you think about this statement. So many people keep telling me this. I wonder if people have different thoughts about this statement. Sometimes I think it is just something people say to make you feel better about a situation. What do you really think?

I agree w/ this. Usually, if something is for me, I have this push inside of me to go for it. If its not, my intuition also lets me know. I try and listen to that inner voice cause it's the truth and EVERY time I didnt' listen to it, I wish I had. :ohwell:

I liked this guy so much for reasons that i know now were not founded on true love..but anyway, it never worked out and I nearly did everything to get him. :perplexed I really believe now he was NOT the one for me. :nono: So just because we want something doesn't mean it is for us.

Also, I think once you do get a relationship that is for you it does not mean it's going to be easy. I think there is effort needed to keep it.