I agree with
@Loving but I have one thing that differs from what she said. While we have been hearing about catastrophic events, natural world disasters, terrorism, civil unrest, earthquakes in divers places, wars and rumors of wars, kingdoms rising against kingdoms, information age has definitely increased, men are not afraid to express that they are lovers of themselves openly, no more closet homosexuality, we have to remember that these were almost always isolated events and occurrences and they were not all happening
all at once. I live in the Bahamas and I have never before seen 6 hurricanes all lined up one right behind the other all at one time.
I have never known a time before now that there are so many people walking
away from God (Apostasy- falling away from the faith in God), God being literally pushed out of the church and forced out of people's lives through and by the laws of man. I literally watch the churches in the last couple of years become lukewarm and compromising with the ways of the world. A lot of the churches are looking and behaving like the world rather than the world looking and behaving like the church. We are afraid to stand up for fear of being persecuted by the world - our friends, family, neighbors, colleges, and our leaders - political and spiritual.
The chip to buy and sell is being pushed onto the nations as we speak. All I can say is, Don't take it! There is no turning back to God once we take this mark. There are some uncomfortable days up ahead and we have to stop acting like we don't see them coming and start truly preparing for the Lord's coming. Please do not take these signs lightly.
These things are now all happening all at once. This is what makes it different from before.
There is definitely something greater happening in the spirit realm. These are the signs that Jesus asked us to look for. I don't deny that they have not happened before, but it was never happened all at once. Now is definitely different than before. The end of course will not come until after the son of perdition reveals himself to the world and our Savior, the Prince of Peace, splits the heavens to come take his place as our true King and restore what He has created to it's former glory. Hallelujah - I wait for that day. My constant hearts' cry always is
"Come Lord Jesus!"