Do You Believe Jesus Is Coming Soon?


Well-Known Member
i do now more than ever and I wonder if any of you feel the same way. I feel with the catastrophic events in the world, how people love for others have turned cold, blatant spiritualism in tv, immorality etc .Does your pastor preach about it or is it rarely mentioned. I feel we as Christians including myself have become lukewarm and are not spreading Gods message.
This was the message at church this past Sunday. When I got home and ran through my FB feed, I noted that Rod Parsley preached on it as well.

I believe Jesus is coming soon. However I bear 2 things in mind... firstly our timing is not God's timing. The Bible says that a 1000 years for us is as a evening in God's eyes. Secondly, catastrophes have been happening even before we were born. World powers have risen and fallen; natural disasters have occurred in the past at an alarming rate; history shows us that eclipses and other celestial happenings is nothing new.

Immorality has been recorded several times in the Bible - look at Sodom and Gomorrah and the Israelites idol worship while they were in the wilderness. Even in the days of Noah, the Bible says that people were just going about their business as if judgment was not pending.

At the end of the day, I believe that those of us who profess Christ should live in a state of readiness. Be mindful of how we treat people, do the work God has called us to do and be God conscious at all times. As the older people at my church would say 'Stop getting ready and be ready'.
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For some reason it just feel more like we are in perilous times.. I heard something of a one world church headed by Catholicism and the pope that may be happening soon
I agree with @Loving but I have one thing that differs from what she said. While we have been hearing about catastrophic events, natural world disasters, terrorism, civil unrest, earthquakes in divers places, wars and rumors of wars, kingdoms rising against kingdoms, information age has definitely increased, men are not afraid to express that they are lovers of themselves openly, no more closet homosexuality, we have to remember that these were almost always isolated events and occurrences and they were not all happening all at once. I live in the Bahamas and I have never before seen 6 hurricanes all lined up one right behind the other all at one time.

I have never known a time before now that there are so many people walking away from God (Apostasy- falling away from the faith in God), God being literally pushed out of the church and forced out of people's lives through and by the laws of man. I literally watch the churches in the last couple of years become lukewarm and compromising with the ways of the world. A lot of the churches are looking and behaving like the world rather than the world looking and behaving like the church. We are afraid to stand up for fear of being persecuted by the world - our friends, family, neighbors, colleges, and our leaders - political and spiritual.

The chip to buy and sell is being pushed onto the nations as we speak. All I can say is, Don't take it! There is no turning back to God once we take this mark. There are some uncomfortable days up ahead and we have to stop acting like we don't see them coming and start truly preparing for the Lord's coming. Please do not take these signs lightly.


These things are now all happening all at once
. This is what makes it different from before.

There is definitely something greater happening in the spirit realm. These are the signs that Jesus asked us to look for. I don't deny that they have not happened before, but it was never happened all at once. Now is definitely different than before. The end of course will not come until after the son of perdition reveals himself to the world and our Savior, the Prince of Peace, splits the heavens to come take his place as our true King and restore what He has created to it's former glory. Hallelujah - I wait for that day. My constant hearts' cry always is "Even So, Come Lord Jesus!"
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For some reason it just feel more like we are in perilous times.. I heard something of a one world church headed by Catholicism and the pope that may be happening soon
I heard this too and I am watching this closely. I cannot afford to be caught like the 5 foolish brides - unprepared and with no oil in my lamp. When my Savior comes, I want to be ready to see Him. "Dear Jesus, I do long to see You!"
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For some reason it just feel more like we are in perilous times.. I heard something of a one world church headed by Catholicism and the pope that may be happening soon

As there are several Catholic members on the forums, please refrain from including the Catholic faith or the pope as any instruments that will usher in doomsday. As Jesus Himself is the cornerstone and author of the Catholic faith, this kind of statement is highly offensive. Thank you.
I agree with @Loving but I have one thing that differs from what she said. While we have been hearing about catastrophic events, natural world disasters, terrorism, civil unrest, earthquakes in divers places, wars and rumors of wars, kingdoms rising against kingdoms, information age has definitely increased, men are not afraid to express that they are lovers of themselves openly, no more closet homosexuality, we have to remember that these were almost always isolated events and occurrences and they were not all happening all at once. I live in the Bahamas and I have never before seen 6 hurricanes all lined up one right behind the other all at one time.

I have never known a time before now that there are so many people walking away from God (Apostasy- falling away from the faith in God), God being literally pushed out of the church and forced out of people's lives through and by the laws of man. I literally watch the churches in the last couple of years become lukewarm and compromising with the ways of the world. A lot of the churches are looking and behaving like the world rather than the world looking and behaving like the church. We are afraid to stand up for fear of being persecuted by the world - our friends, family, neighbors, colleges, and our leaders - political and spiritual.

The chip to buy and sell is being pushed onto the nations as we speak. All I can say is, Don't take it! There is no turning back to God once we take this mark. There are some uncomfortable days up ahead and we have to stop acting like we don't see them coming and start truly preparing for the Lord's coming. Please do not take these signs lightly.


These things are now all happening all at once
. This is what makes it different from before.

There is definitely something greater happening in the spirit realm. These are the signs that Jesus asked us to look for. I don't deny that they have not happened before, but it was never happened all at once. Now is definitely different than before. The end of course will not come until after the son of perdition reveals himself to the world and our Savior, the Prince of Peace, splits the heavens to come take his place as our true King and restore what He has created to it's former glory. Hallelujah - I wait for that day. My constant hearts' cry always is "Come Lord Jesus!"
I never though of it like this but yes a lot of things are happening all at once that forecast Jesus 2nd coming
As there are several Catholic members on the forums, please refrain from including the Catholic faith or the pope as any instruments that will usher in doomsday. As Jesus Himself is the cornerstone and author of the Catholic faith, this kind of statement is highly offensive. Thank you.
I apologize I didn't mean it like that it was my ignorance
I do know according to the word of God, it declares that the whole world will 'wander' after the anti-christ - this tells me that he will be loved by the world and revered highly, even treated as if he is Jesus Himself. This kind of love and reverence - I will give only to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Certainly not any mere mortal will get this type of reverence from me - this is borderline idolatry as far as I am concerned. I respect certain positions, yes, but I am very careful not to cross the line of idolatry. It's a very thin line and only the prudent Holy Spirit led person can discern where it begins and where it ends.

My eyes are opened to the truth of God's word and I will not be silenced by mere mortal flesh. We are cautioned to keep our eyes opened to these truths. The enemy will come like a lamb in these last days, (many will not know or recognize him as exactly that, our enemy) and after he has accomplished his work of deceit, then he will reveal his true identity. He will be subtle in his approach, deceptively kind, then he will pounce when we least expect him to. All I'm saying is just watch everything and everyone. No man is and no man should be exempt.

My aim is not to offend anyone but urge to prepare for the Lord's coming. Only Jesus and Jesus Christ alone is spotless and blameless - no other person on this side of heaven or the other is like Him. No one deserves to be put on the same pedestal as He is, not even a step below Him - even that is too close. I worship and bow to no man but Jesus Christ alone.
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I do know according to the word of God, it declares that the whole world will 'wander' after the anti-christ - this tells me that he will be loved by the world and revered highly, even treated as if he is Jesus Himself. This kind of love and reverence - I will give only to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Certainly not any mere mortal will get this type of reverence from me - this is borderline idolatry as far as I am concerned. I respect certain positions, yes, but I am very careful not to cross the line of idolatry. It's a very thin line and only the prudent Holy Spirit led person can discern where it begins and where it ends.

My eyes are opened to the truth of God's word and I will not be silenced by mere mortal flesh. We are cautioned to keep our eyes opened to these truths. The enemy will come like a lamb in these last days, (many will not know or recognize him as exactly that, our enemy) and after he has accomplished his work of deceit, then he will reveal his true identity. He will be subtle in his approach, deceptively kind, then he will pounce when we least expect him to. All I'm saying is just watch everything and everyone. No man is and no man should be exempt.

My aim is not to offend anyone but urge to prepare for the Lord's coming. Only Jesus and Jesus Christ alone is spotless and blameless - no other person on this side of heaven or the other is like Him. No one deserves to be put on the same pedestal as He is, not even a step below Him - even that is too close. I worship and bow to no man but Jesus Christ alone.

Since the Catholic church (including the papacy) is routinely attacked by the secular world as well as other Christian denominations, based on your rationale, it is safe to say that the Catholic church is in no way the anti-Christ.
Since the Catholic church (including the papacy) is routinely attacked by the secular world as well as other Christian denominations, based on your rationale, it is safe to say that the Catholic church is in no way the anti-Christ.
Understood and noted. I will remain vigilant.
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He's been "coming soon" for 2,000 years. I hate to say it but, we might have to endure this a couple more hundred years. :look:
These days technology seems like the anti Christ. Everyone always wants the new updated version of everything, and to some people social media is more important than work, food, relationships, etc.

I apologize for the randomly late post. I found this thread searching for something related to my hair...
i do now more than ever and I wonder if any of you feel the same way. I feel with the catastrophic events in the world, how people love for others have turned cold, blatant spiritualism in tv, immorality etc .Does your pastor preach about it or is it rarely mentioned. I feel we as Christians including myself have become lukewarm and are not spreading Gods message.

What do you mean by spiritualism?

Is it possible to be religious and spiritual? What is the difference? Thanks in advance!
^^I feel like this but also

Basically, I can't dwell on the "when" He's coming I just have to be ready for when He comes and gets me :look:


Are we supposed to act/be different and committed because Jesus might be coming soon . . . or did baptism and discipleship deposit the Holy Spirit inside, so we are different and committed because we are charged changed and He loves us.

The bible says to ALWAYS be ready to give others reason for the hope that is within us. ALWAYS. Not "once you feel He's coming soon." Otherwise, it seems that that shows that you don't care about people's souls simply generally -- because God's "love is shed abroad in our hearts" -- but only care when He seems to be coming soon. Is that love? The bible says love is one of the things Christians are known by.
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Matthew 25: 1-13
1 At that time the kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom.
2 Five of them were foolish and five were wise.
3 The foolish ones took their lamps but did not take any oil with them.
4 The wise ones, however, took oil in jars along with their lamps.
5 The bridegroom was a long time in coming, and they all became drowsy and fell asleep.
6 “At midnight the cry rang out: ‘Here’s the bridegroom! Come out to meet him!’
7 “Then all the virgins woke up and trimmed their lamps.
8 The foolish ones said to the wise, ‘Give us some of your oil; our lamps are going out.
9 “‘No,’ they replied, ‘there may not be enough for both us and you. Instead, go to those who sell oil and buy some for yourselves.’
10 “But while they were on their way to buy the oil, the bridegroom arrived. The virgins who were ready went in with him to the wedding banquet. And the door was shut.
11 “Later the others also came. ‘Lord, Lord,’ they said, ‘open the door for us!’
12 “But he replied, ‘Truly I tell you, I don’t know you.
13 “Therefore keep watch, because you do not know the day or the hour.
Matthew 25: 1-13
1 At that time the kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom.
2 Five of them were foolish and five were wise.
3 The foolish ones took their lamps but did not take any oil with them.
4 The wise ones, however, took oil in jars along with their lamps.
5 The bridegroom was a long time in coming, and they all became drowsy and fell asleep.
6 “At midnight the cry rang out: ‘Here’s the bridegroom! Come out to meet him!’
7 “Then all the virgins woke up and trimmed their lamps.
8 The foolish ones said to the wise, ‘Give us some of your oil; our lamps are going out.
9 “‘No,’ they replied, ‘there may not be enough for both us and you. Instead, go to those who sell oil and buy some for yourselves.’
10 “But while they were on their way to buy the oil, the bridegroom arrived. The virgins who were ready went in with him to the wedding banquet. And the door was shut.
11 “Later the others also came. ‘Lord, Lord,’ they said, ‘open the door for us!’
12 “But he replied, ‘Truly I tell you, I don’t know you.
13 “Therefore keep watch, because you do not know the day or the hour.

I think folks know that they don't know the day or hour, but they are focused on the "soon-ness."

2 Peter 3:8 King James says:

But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.
What if, like the scripture you shared, @ilong, we just stay ready? Stay passionate? Stay committed? Stay obedient? Stay growing? Etc., etc.

I'm trying to figure out if people somehow NEED the soon-ness factor in order to be concerned, committed, passionate, serious? Is it the source of motivation? Do they need the DRAMA of it all to hook people in, because they feel like the story and love and sacrifice of Jesus . . . and the cross aren't quite good enough and compelling enough in their eyes? I keep thinking of the scripture, "If I be lifted up from the earth, I'll draw all men unto me."

Maybe I'll feel differently about this later, but it is Jesus's love and sacrifice and passion and purpose that move me. Not the weather, storms, the fear, the talk up . . . but Jesus's love and heart. It makes my heart beat and gets my attention MORE than all the rest.

ETA: Maybe I need to try to back up and understand that for some people, it takes the storms and the "soon-ness" factor and the talk up and the drama and the escalation and all of that to hook their attention . . . and THEN Jesus's work and love can become a motivator. I'm trying to stay open minded.

I WORRY: If I weren't a christian, this would come across as gimicky, pressurizing, off . . . But I get it some: We have more storms. We have crazy behavior in the world. It makes some people take notice and think about potential soon-ness.
For some reason it just feel more like we are in perilous times.. I heard something of a one world church headed by Catholicism and the pope that may be happening soon

Not sure if He is, but I wish He would. The arrogance of humanity has gone beyond what I ever imagined could happen in my lifetime.
Your quote on Catholicism ( I read your later comments and accept you meant no offence) is proof that we are not really observing what’s going on but allowing ourselves to be distracted by worldly “ noise”.
What indicators show a one world Church headed by Catholicism?? Catholic Church membership and attendance is declining in the West, the few Catholics in the Middle East, the oldest Catholics, are being decimated and places of worship destroyed by Islamic terrorists. The most important issues regarding the sanctity and dignity of life that the Catholic Church has stood for for OVER TWO THOUSAND years ,and been a lone voice for (e.g abortion, contraception, euthanasia, natural marriage, cohabitation etc), have been overwhelmingly rejected by society. The Catholic Church is counter cultural. Nothing we believe is being embraced by much of the world! Society has rejected our fullness of Truth! But it gives me great comfort, because as our Lord said “ If the world hates you, remember that it hated me first”. So we must be doing something right.
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