Do you believe in reaping what you sew?


Well-Known Member
I know someone who disobeyed her parents when she was younger. Then her husband was cheating on her, so she cheated on him what a married man. I think that's as far as the bad stuff she did goes. It seems that for the past 20 years terrible things have been happening in her life. Would you classify that as reaping what she sowed or just things that happen in life?

I spelled "sow" wrong in the title.
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yes. i think what goes around comes around. but unless she did something really bad to her parents i wouldn't say her husband cheating on her is a result of that. that's the lowest of the low and unless she cursed out, beat and stole from her parents no one deserves that.

sometimes bad things that happen to us are a result of our own bad decisions, lack of maturity and direction. imo
Yes, this is the law of God everything in the Kingdom start with a seed.

What you plant will come back good or bad this is for our own good because it teaches about consequences of our actions. If we repent and really for sorry for our actions God can be merciful to us and hold all or some of it back it is all up to Him and how we reacted to our actions and course each situation varies depending on God's ultimate plan.

Love is seed,
kindness is seed,
hate is seed,
patience is seed,
everything we do is a seed.
MissJ said:
I know someone who disobeyed her parents when she was younger. Then her husband was cheating on her, so she cheated on him what a married man. I think that's as far as the bad stuff she did goes. It seems that for the past 20 years terrible things have been happening in her life. Would you classify that as reaping what she sowed or just things that happen in life?I spelled "sow" wrong in the title.

Sometimes (not the particular lady that you are speaking of) I know a lot of people(including myself) that have done the best they can in life to do right and serve God and still unfortunate things happen to them. Let me add though, my hardships have made me who I am today.

In this particular case that you are speaking of, it could be her past demons, but it's really not known why she's having it difficult, we can only assume.
Reaping what you sow is a GOOD thing.

Like when you sow seed into your ministry (where you go to church)

you can name that seed and water it every Sunday w/ your offerings, and you can wait on God to do somethings in your life, whether it be bringing new believers to the Kingdom, spiritual, physical or financial.

Now people do bad things to one another, that falls under the law of forgiveness, and you allow & trust God to take vengeance if the need be.

But we are all in need of mercy and forgiveness, so if you (not you MissJ, but in general) are waiting for some one to "GET THIERS" keep on waitin', 'cause God won't allow you to see your enemy to get punished so you can gloat and say "That's what you get!" And while you're waitin', remember, if God let you "GET YOURS" many of us would be going to HELL. :ohwell:

So be merciful just as God has spared us and been merciful to us.

As a matter of fact, Proverbs mentions how if you see your enemy being punished for their actions and you start to rejoice, God will see and and turn his wrath away from him.

Many people like to use the "You'll reap what you sow" scripture to verbally let their enemies "have it"

But I for one believe that people should not use the Bible to condemn, but to help people.
In my opinion you definitely reap what you sow. I did some things in my past that were not so nice to people who really trusted and cared for me as a person. I have since experienced things in my life that are not so pleasant. I take it with a grain of salt and figure this is what I get, but God has forgiven me and I have forgiven myself. I have really learned from my mistakes and I will do better from now on.
Of course you reap what you sow...but in the case of your friend, I find that MOST children disobey(I didn't see you state full on rebellion) their parents to some extent, although I don't know what she did.

So her husband cheating on her may or may not directly stem from that. Her whole situation sounds unfortunate, couple with her making bad decisions.

The bible also states that "time and unforseen occurence befall us all." Bad things happen to people who serve God with a whole heart, and good things happen to...well, heathens. :look:

We are also imperfect. Some things happen to us as a result of making bad decisions due to imperfection.

Reaping what you sow can happen in so many ways. For example, say someone has an abortion. Nothing horrible per se may happen in her life where she has to struggle or anything, but did you know emotional distress is a form of reaping what you sow? Said person has to deal with the fact that they murdered a baby forever. And take it from me, (not in this particular instance), emotional distress has you so broken down, you almost wish you were homeless or dead or some other horrible thing.

It would be wise to also pay attention to the first part of Galations 6:7..."Do not be mislead, God is not one to be mocked." It's never wise to play with God.
Starian said:
Of course you reap what you sow...but in the case of your friend, I find that MOST children disobey(I didn't see you state full on rebellion) their parents to some extent, although I don't know what she did.

So her husband cheating on her may or may not directly stem from that. Her whole situation sounds unfortunate, couple with her making bad decisions.

The bible also states that "time and unforseen occurence befall us all." Bad things happen to people who serve God with a whole heart, and good things happen to...well, heathens. :look:

We are also imperfect. Some things happen to us as a result of making bad decisions due to imperfection.

Reaping what you sow can happen in so many ways. For example, say someone has an abortion. Nothing horrible per se may happen in her life where she has to struggle or anything, but did you know emotional distress is a form of reaping what you sow? Said person has to deal with the fact that they murdered a baby forever. And take it from me, (not in this particular instance), emotional distress has you so broken down, you almost wish you were homeless or dead or some other horrible thing.

It would be wise to also pay attention to the first part of Galations 6:7..."Do not be mislead, God is not one to be mocked." It's never wise to play with God.[/
ITA. One time I did something soooo horrible, that it caused me to be deppressed and welcomed a wealth of other bad things into my life. Even thought no one knows what I did. I know I paid for it...