Do you believe in miracles?


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Do you believe that miracles happen? Has there been a miracle in your life? I've really been praying for a miracle in a particular area of my life and I know it will happen. I love reading about people who have turned their lives around and experienced what only could be described a miracle in their lives. Just wondering if anyone here has had a miracle?
Yes I'm a believer.

Well a couple of years ago we got a call that my bother was in a accident he was hit by an 18 wheeler. When we arrived at the hospital they told us he probably wouldn't make it and if he does he would be breathing on a machine for the rest of his life. They told us that he would need to learn how to walk and talk all over. He wouldn't be able to feed himself, They had to remove his spleen. We started making arrangements to have him flown to my hometown so my mom could care for him.

Well they told us he was to unstable to move so they wouln't move him until he was better. They had him on a machine that would rotate him like a piece of rotissure chicken. Well once my family got there we prayed on his behave and two months later, he walked out of the hospital no walker needed, no oxygen tank needed, no assistance needed, he's feeding himself, he's back doing all the things we was doing before the accident.

I tell you we serve an awesome God that can do exceedingly abundantly all we can ask or think.

He is a walking miracle because they said he would not make it.

but it aint over until God says it's over.

Thank you Jesus.

Be blessed.
Yes, I believe in miracles. Miracles happen every day. I look back on everything that has happened in my life and my life is a miracle. There have been so many times that I was in desperate need and no one, I mean no none, could help me, but God always showed up right on time. There are so many miracles I could tell you about, but one incident that comes to mine is this:

I was getting close to graduating from college. It seemed like every obstacle that could come my way, came my way. One summer I was without a place to live. After much searching a friend of mine told me that she and another girl were looking for a roommate. All I needed was first months rent and the deposit. I was working, but I was also dependent on my student loans to help make ends meet. I had no money saved up and absolutely no one I could go to for the money. For some reason I wrote a check that was equal to the amount of the deposit and first months rent. I gave it to our landlord believing that my student loan would come through, not even taking into consideration that the amount of money I would receive from my student loan would be considerably less than what I was use to because it was summer school and not the regular semester. The next day I went to the cashier's office to pick up my financial aid check only to be told that I was not eligible to receive my loan. The next thing I know I am sitting in some man's office asking him what I needed to do to get that loan. I told him that I needed that money to go to school that summer session and without it I wouldn't be able to attend school. That man looked me in the eyes and said, "You need that money for school don't you?" I told him yes. He told me he would release the hold on the loan. I don't know how I ended up in that man's office. I didn't even know to ask for him. Ordinarily, I would have accepted what the lady at the cashier's office told me, but some way, some how I was directed to that man's office. God is indeed a good, good, God.
I do believe in miracles and what God does for one person he'll do for you also! He has no respect for one person over another. He'll bless me and you, just like he'll bless others.

"And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us: ..." John 5:14

I too need a miracle in my life and I've been praying for a while, but God is able to do exceedingly, abundantly, above all that I can ask or think...isn't that mind-blowing?!

When your miracle and mine come to earthly fruition and it might not be at the same time but we must remember to tell each other...
"And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony..."Rev. 12:11.
Yes I'm a believer.

Well a couple of years ago we got a call that my bother was in a accident he was hit by an 18 wheeler. When we arrived at the hospital they told us he probably wouldn't make it and if he does he would be breathing on a machine for the rest of his life. They told us that he would need to learn how to walk and talk all over. He wouldn't be able to feed himself, They had to remove his spleen. We started making arrangements to have him flown to my hometown so my mom could care for him.

Well they told us he was to unstable to move so they wouln't move him until he was better. They had him on a machine that would rotate him like a piece of rotissure chicken. Well once my family got there we prayed on his behave and two months later, he walked out of the hospital no walker needed, no oxygen tank needed, no assistance needed, he's feeding himself, he's back doing all the things we was doing before the accident.

I tell you we serve an awesome God that can do exceedingly abundantly all we can ask or think.

He is a walking miracle because they said he would not make it.

but it aint over until God says it's over.

Thank you Jesus.

Be blessed.

Amen, thank you God!
He promised us long life (Psalm 91), and we have every right to expect that from Him in your brothers case. The Word of God never lies, and our god never fails.
Thank you God
Definitely. And they don't have to be dramatic or "big" I've had simple miracles like making it on a plane at the last minute only because someone else gave me her seat! Or bigger miracles where a cousin received a kidney transplant from a long time friend. Miracles happen. Things happen all the time that only could occur from God
I believe in God miracles, I see them everyday in some way. Here is a link about one of God's miracles, it will bring tears to your eyes.

On 2/5/07 . Nancy had an emergency C-section.(4th Child) As soon as the
doctors opened her up her uterus exploded. Baby naomi had no heartbeat
and was dead. Naomi was quickly revived and put on life support. Nancy
lost blood,transfused twice, cardiac arrest three times- on respirator
and in coma for 11 days... but you prayed -God answered!Doctors -Amazed
and gave God the has brought people to the Lord,
acknowledging his awesome power to heal! Thank you for your Prayers!!

Yes, I do believe in miracles. I just had a miracle the other day. I was praying, and worshiping God all alone and I started singing, "holy, holy, holy, our God is holy."

Why was the next worship song on youtube, "holy.":grin:
Definitely. And they don't have to be dramatic or "big" I've had simple miracles like making it on a plane at the last minute only because someone else gave me her seat! Or bigger miracles where a cousin received a kidney transplant from a long time friend. Miracles happen. Things happen all the time that only could occur from God

This is soo true. I always thank God for the "little" things though like getting me to the next petrol station when I don't have any more gas in the tank, helping me to avoid traffic jams etc, getting me through particularly difficult times. These are all miracles when you think about it because it was only through God's mercy that they happened.
My 1st year of college I didn't have a dime to my name and I wasn't even eligible for loans.

I was about to give up hope and wrote to my BFF's mom and she sent me the verse "trust in the Lord with all your heart etc"

The next sunday I went to church, and this woman I didn't know, who didn't know me, gave me an envelope. I opened it at home and it had the verse "trust in the lord with all your heart..." and a check for my first semester's tuition and living expenses.

If that isn't God, I don't know what is.
Not too long ago I woke up with a leg cramp that stiffened my thigh. I could feel the muscles tighten and throb and my leg was in pain. I've had muscle cramps before but not one to wake me out of my sleep with a jolt. My hubby usually massages my sore muscles. He was asleep this time, and I didn't think to wake him. I just calmly muttered "You won't win, devil" and hopped across the bedroom to get the oil. {I have a vial of anointed olive oil on my dresser} I rubbed the knotted thigh muscle with the oil and said a prayer; it throbbed a couple times and instantly relaxed. I drank some water, thanked God, laid down flat on my back and dozed off....

It's a small thing but I know that God healed whatever was going on in my leg that night. I also believe that nothing is too big, too small or even too trivial for Him, even today. Because people may not want to acknowledged "little, everyday" events as blessings or miracles, doesn't mean they aren't. Just thought I'd share this. Be aware and thank God everyday for the miracles He perform.
Keep believing!
YES! I have experienced so many. I am so blessed and thankful....
My son is 18 and in his second semester in college. Last summer, he took part in a youth summer work program that our city has. They had a special program for older teens with some job experience at Bowie State University. So he went for the 6 weeks and they were studying computer science. At the end of the program they had a luncheon where they presented their websites that their teams had built.
The head of the computer science department came up to me raving about how awesome my son is and he did an amazing job and they were going to "try" to find some scholarship money for him. I gave her my business card with my work number on it and didn't think anything would come of it.
A week before school started she called me on my cell phone (still to this day I don't know how she got my cell phone number) and offered my son a FULL SCHOLARSHIP! Books and meals included. My son has been in special education all his life and had extra help, therapies, etc all through school. Now he's at COLLEGE fully paid for!
God is so GOOD!!!!!
YESSSSSSSS! Hubby and have been TTC since 8/1/2005. We both did fertility testing in march 2011. His results were bad and mine were even worse. I was not ovulating at all! Had a hormonal imbalance! PCOS & more. We had a 0% chance medically to get pregnant on our own.

Well here I am 10.5 weeks pregnant at 39.5 years old! I and the baby are healthy! My dr is still wowed! I had the opportunity to preach about this miracle! Title: the realm of the IMPOSSIBLE! Realm is a kingdom or domain that has a King! Jesus is the King and he rules and reigns in the IMPOSSIBLE! There's nothing too hard for Him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Our miracle baby was moving hands & feet at our last ultrasound! I was saying yes baby! Praise Him! This is the Lord's doing and it's Marvelous in His eyes!!!!!!
BEAUTIFUL testimony! To God be the Glory....

YESSSSSSSS! Hubby and have been TTC since 8/1/2005. We both did fertility testing in march 2011. His results were bad and mine were even worse. I was not ovulating at all! Had a hormonal imbalance! PCOS & more. We had a 0% chance medically to get pregnant on our own.

Well here I am 10.5 weeks pregnant at 39.5 years old! I and the baby are healthy! My dr is still wowed! I had the opportunity to preach about this miracle! Title: the realm of the IMPOSSIBLE! Realm is a kingdom or domain that has a King! Jesus is the King and he rules and reigns in the IMPOSSIBLE! There's nothing too hard for Him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Our miracle baby was moving hands & feet at our last ultrasound! I was saying yes baby! Praise Him! This is the Lord's doing and it's Marvelous in His eyes!!!!!!
A 12-year-old is fighting cancer; the family is bewildered because they found out he has Stage 4 and didn't even know he was sick to begin with; doctors started treatment. I believe God is healer and that nothing happens (good or bad) if He doesn't allow it. The boy is in the prayer circle...last week, the doctors didn't need to do another transfusion because his blood count was higher. Praise God. But, my thoughts are on the family. I believe this will reveal God's power and presence to this family.... there are times the illness of a person draws others to God. And I believe even that is a miracle...
Thanks so much Sister's for sharing, this has been so encouraging as I also have experienced so many undeserved miracles in my life and I definitely believe God. In 2012 I lost my devoted husband after almost 2 years of marriage, I was a stay at home wife as I was laid off right before our wedding. When he died of diabetes complications like Job I lost everything. It was so trying and on top of that no one to really lean on but God and a fellow widow angel sent by God. Somehow God gave me the presence of mind to continue my education. At the time my spouse died I was trying to finish up my Associates. I failed a few classes after he died and I even dropped out for a time due to grief, but God helped me to study a little and grieve a little until I got through my whole program. By God's grace, I graduated in November with a Masters degree and just got hired with my local County. I am in the process of rebuilding my life. I thank God.
Just wondering if anyone here has had a miracle?

Very much. I can't elaborate other than to say that miracles are nothing difficult for Gd and if He chooses not to do a miracle, He has a solution and an answer.
Yes, I believe in miracles. Also sometimes I EXPECT a miracle if I have gotten myself in a ridiculous situation. God knows my heart and He does deliver me. Satan will try to destroy a person but once you become aware of his deception and your eyes are opened just cry out to God and He will deliver you above and beyond all that you can ask or think.