Do you believe in cowashing?

Although I still use shampoo, I do believe in co-washing...just not with silicone laden conditioners, only causes more build-up.
I Love it, more importantly my hair loves it. It's a question that varies per individual.

I co-wash and occasionally use Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) to get a "squeaky" clean feeling. I don't use shampoo at all. That stuff is simply horrid for my hair.

I don't deep condition in the sense of leaving it in for a few hours and washing it out. I do you a leave in conditioner by Njoi.
i totally believe in cowashing. i like to work with my hair in a damp state, and i can be heavy handed with product. i can't shampoo my hair daily, so cowashing allows me to remove a substantial amount of product from hair without stripping it. i shampoo once a week to remove buildup and cleanse my scalp. plus, it's very moisturizing!
I am a believer of cowashing cause it works for ME. I have seen some that say cowashing serves no purpose and thats cool too but it is not going stop me.
Cowashing is great for me. I have dry skin/hair. It has been a Miracle worker for my hair.

I still try to Clarify and/or Chelate every 4,6 or 8 weeks.

And I've recently started using Conditioner Cleansing Creams which is IMO the best of both worlds. It gently cleanses your hair while conditioning it.

I will never do a shampoo/conditioner regimen unless I am Clarifying or using Neutralizing Shampoo after a Relaxer.

Cowashing All the Way!
When I joined, I thought co-washing was the silliest concept...and then I tried it in summer 2009. I learned that my hair loves co-washing in between shampoos as a way to keep my hair moisturized. I prefer to co-wash in the summer and/or when I'm stretching my relaxer. If I never used heat, I wouldn't feel the need to shampoo. But, I use heat and cones and heavy deep conditioners that need to be cleansed away with shampoo.

At least two of my good friends in real life do not use shampoo at all anymore and their hair is thriving. I recently purchased some WEN to see if that can replace my shampoo.
I certainly believe in cowashing. Its a great way to add moisture to your hair. Although it may not be for everyone, I can't possibly understand why someone would say its not beneficial.
I almost never shampoo my hair. Last year I used shampoo twice and that was after straightening and using cones. I also don't typically DC and I do use conditioner on the regular as a leave in. All conditioners are not the same, so some can be used as leave ins and others should not.

Cowashing does not moisturize my hair and it leaves it clean... water only is enough to cleanse my hair and scalp. I don't use any products that are difficult to remove or cause buildup. And I'm not a fan of daily cowashing, I usually cleanse my hair weekly.

Basically, everyone's hair and scalp is going to love and need different things.
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Yes, I believe in co-washing. I shampoo my hair once a week, but I co-wash almost everyday. I'm gonna wet my hair in the shower anyway, so I might as well put some conditioner on it.
I love cowashing and will forever cowash. Cowashing freshens up my hair after exercising. I exercise at least four days a week and a cowash follows it. Also after I cowash I use a creamy leave in (Shea Moisture). I still use shampoo and clarify when needed. When I get deep into my stretch, I shampoo every other week but I condition and steam weekly. We don't have hard water so I think that helps my hair.

I haven't experienced any weakening of the strands, as a matter of fact I have experienced the opposite. My hair is stronger, thicker, and longer. I love it.
Cowashing's only negative side effect for me was too much manipulation because I felt that I needed to comb it everytime I wet it. Fingercombing has helped me fall back in love with it.
I like cowashing, but I only do it in the summertime when I can take my hair being wet more often since I like to airdry.
Depends on the person. Not everything works for everyone all the time, you know? Cowashing doesn't work for me because my scalp doesn't like it.
I love cowashing! I only shampoo (clarify) once a month now. And once a week I cowash with AO HSR instead of shampooing. (I don't use conditioner on my scalp though).

There was a time where I felt I absolutely HAD to shampoo my scalp weekly or I'd get the itchies bad! It took quite a few attempts, but now, my scalp has gotten used to the change. No more itchies! And now I don't need shampoo as often, which is definitely a good thing.