Do you Baggy??

Do you baggy your hair?

  • Yes

    Votes: 163 53.6%
  • No

    Votes: 141 46.4%

  • Total voters


SuperDuper Member
Do you baggy? If so, how often? What product(s) do you baggy with?? I heard that some people use vaseline. How long do you leave the bag on? Thanks for your answer in advance. :yep:
I voted no. When I first joined LHCF I tried the baggy method and my hair just didn't like it. I guess it turned out to be too much moisture for my fine strands. I was greatly disappointed that the baggy method didn't work for me and it worked so well for others.:ohwell:
Do you baggy? If so, how often? What product(s) do you baggy with?? I heard that some people use vaseline. How long do you leave the bag on? Thanks for your answer in advance. :yep:

I baggy 4-5 nights a week, and leave the bag on overnight. I moisturize with NTM, then seal with castor, amla, and coconut oil mix. Then put the length of my pony on one big roller, and put a shower cap over it. It keeps my ends smooth. Love it
Yes, i baggy. I had been slipping-but have recently started to step it back up.

I moisturize with Cathy Howse UBH Creme Moisturizer, seal with castor oil and then I put my hair in a ponytail and then put the baggy over it. I put a silk ponytail holder over the baggy.

I think my hair likes it.:perplexed
I baggy every night (hence my post about 15 baggies being $.97 at Walmart :D )...I massage MTG and BT on my scalp and I alternate conditioners on my hair. If I sleep in a moisturizing conditioner from day 1 to day 3 then by day 4 I switch to a protein conditioner to avoid the mushy's and so on and so forth.
This thread is right on time...I tried it before with Sunsilk and EVOO, my hair didn't like it, I think the EVOO was too heavy. Now I'm trying it with Shea/Aloe and Vatika oil. I'm also using less than I did before and my ends seem to love it. I just had 3 inches cut off last week due to thin dry ends :nono:
No. But when I first did the b/c I did. I even crocheted bun covers to go over the baggy. Then I just got lazy and stopped doing it. I wish I could remember what I used in the baggy, though. I think I used a conditioner and oil mix.
I baggy my entire head every night since the BC in June -- can't afford to stop now since Christmas dress season is approaching! I think it's been helpful in growing out the TWA...
I voted no, but at the beginning of my journey I did. I stopped b/c my hair became to mushy and it caused breakage. Plus, my hair is very thick and it became hard to find a phony pony to fit over the baggy.
Nope, but like a lot of others, I did at the beginning. It made it harder to maintain a protein/moisture balance. Plus I am retaining length just fine without it.

When I used to baggy, I used cheapie conditioner sealed with evoo.
Been Baggying since last year and love it! I do it every night faithfully. I don't put anything in the baggy because I always make sure my ends have enough moisturizer on them. When i first started doing it I "was" putting stuff in the baggy every night and noticed little tiny pieces when i took it off the next morning or when i touched my hair. It was over moisturized! The plastic baggy aids to the current moisture state my hair has so I eliminated putting stuff in it. From time to time if my ends feel a little "off" I may add a few drops in there. Not often though. Baggy Method is On Point though don't think I could have made it this far without it!
No. I wear my hair down most of the time and therefore it's not really practical. I feel that I can achieve similar results in other ways.
I baggy but I don't put anything in the baggie itself, and I primarily use moisturizer and water. I use oil (castor oil) VERY sparingly.

I part my hair into four section, spray each one until damp with regular water, apply a little less than a dime sized amount of my favorite moisturizer (Jane Carter Solution Nourishing Hair Cream), and then seal with two VERY small drops of castor oil. I put my hair on a large roller, put the baggy over it and secure with a scrunchie.

I think this is a GREAT method for people who want to do the baggie method, but your hair does not like a lot of oil.
I baggied my and my daughters hair last light. I didnt wash so it was dry. I put Hollywood Beauty Olive oil on my hair and put the baggie on the pony overnight. My ends were sooooooo soft. I will dothis every night!

On the other hand I applied moisterizing creme oil on my daughters hair and it came out mushy. I mave have put too much on.

So its works good on dried hair. nevey tried it on just wash hair
I voted no. When I first joined LHCF I tried the baggy method and my hair just didn't like it. I guess it turned out to be too much moisture for my fine strands. I was greatly disappointed that the baggy method didn't work for me and it worked so well for others.:ohwell:

what jbh said. didn't work for me either.
I do, but only a few nights out of the week. And I don't do when I wear my hair down. I use CFCG and either Vatika Frosting, JBCO, or whatever oil I may have on hand to seal. My hair doesn't seem to mind it:yep:
I baggy 24/7. I use a dime size of NTM on my hair then put the baggy on my ponytail. I found that it's worth it to spring for the name brand baggies because they're thicker and hold moisture better. I tried to be cheap but it wasn't worth it.

ETA: Using oil to seal my hair and spraying down the inside of the baggy with product did NOT work for me.
When I wore my half wig I did. I revisited a few more times and its cool. I just wasn't consistent enough to reap the full benefits.
I'm on a baggying hiatus for now while I'm trying to perfect the moisture/protein balance in my hair.

Ordinarily I baggy about 3 to 5 times per week overnight. I'll use a cream moisturizer or Scurl and seal with Evoo & castor/jojoba mix.
at first i wasn't feelin it
cuz in the summer i wear it curly
so the oil was messing with my curl

but chicoro swore by it 2 get to her length
so i decided to give it another shot
esp. during my wsl challenge
and it's helping me with the winter dryness

i have been baggying for abt a month now
after washing i pull my hair back into a ponytail
i use activator on the ends then seal with new era shea butter moisturizer and castor oil
i braid the pony, put a lil plastic wrap on the end of my ponytail, then hide it in a bun

my hair is very thick and heavy so i think that's why baggying works for me
Do you baggy? yes
If so, how often? If I am being a good girl, I baggy every night otherwise it's every other day. I am currently wearing a full cap wig so I bag in the morning and at night and my hair seems to be thriving :yep:.
What product(s) do you baggy with? Currently, I am using Hawaiian Silky's 14 in 1 miracel worker spray and megacare grapeseed oil. I plan on using these two products up and then switching to a more natural water based moisturizer and oil(something without fragrance in it).
I heard that some people use vaseline. I once read a post on the forum where someone mentioned that. IIRC, she raved about it and had some great results from using vaseline to baggy with.
How long do you leave the bag on? I baggy in the morning under my full cap wig and when I return home from work I take everything off and let my tresses breathe. Once I get ready for bed, I remoisturize and seal my hair and then baggy until the morning.
Thanks for your answer in advance. No problem, anytime sweetie :yep::yep:.
My ends love the baggy method. I do not do it as much as when I started LHCF. I do it as needed. I usually leave it on over night and I either bun my hair or roll it with a flexi rod and then baggie. I also baggy under my falls and wigs. I use NTM, Surge 14 or ORS Olive Oil Moisturizer and I seal with what ever oil I see. lol
When I first came to LHCF I tried it but my hair didn't really like it I realised so now sometimes do the whole head baggy thing before bed. I place my hair in a plastic cap after I moisturise and seal but that's only when I can't find my satin scarf or cap.
I baggy 4-5 nights a week, and leave the bag on overnight. I moisturize with NTM, then seal with castor, amla, and coconut oil mix. Then put the length of my pony on one big roller, and put a shower cap over it. It keeps my ends smooth. Love it

Your Hair is soooooooooooooooooooooooo Gorgeous :grin: WOW

I cannot wait to put up my pictures very soon and my regimine

Current APL
Goal BSL 12-31-08 :lick:
Ultimate hair Goal WST 2012:lick:

First Relaxer 3-25-08
14 weeks post