Do you always tell your Girlfriends the Truth?

I always tell the truth, but I don't always tell them everything.
Some people, friends and family alike, don't NEED to know everything about you or every thought you have.
If they ask my opinion I tell them...but I like to mind my own business.
There was one instance where I did give my unsolicited opinion about how I felt about my friends ex-SO. I didnt dog him but I told her that he rubbed me the wrong way and dont get upset If i dont seem receptive towards him...well turns outhat his prior ex had a restraining order out on him, he never finished college (he lied), and he was just a flat out *******.
My bff always tells me about her DH and some of the stuff is he does pretty questionable but I do give her unbiased suggestion. Most of it stemming from the advice that the married women give here :yep:
To answer your original question...

Always tell ppl the important stuff and tell the truth whether they want to hear it or not. They can then take it or leave it. The choice then becomes theirs. If they get mad, they get mad. You must be content with the fact that you told the truth and leave it that.
Yes, and I let them tell me the truth even if it hurts or I wish the words were not true.

I still made my mistakes (and good choices) despite their advice. They've done the same. We're not petty about it since we implicitly trust each other and know that the words come from a source of love.
Nah, I've learned that good advice is wasted on most people. If I am coaxed, then I will I share a light version of my real opinion. I have been burned too much by giving good advice only to have some fool resent me. If I am not asked, then I don't volunteer my opinion, and just let them go learn the lesson.
If they are indeed my 'friend' and they ask.. yes I give them 100% honesty. Depending on the friend.. if they dont ask... because Im a friend.. I STILL give them 100% honesty :D ( I expect the same in return as well)
yes... it not what you say, its how you say it. My expectation is that my friends tell me the truth because I trust their opinons, thats why they are my friends. They have the same expectation of me.
can you expand that please?DO you mean tell them the truth if they ask for an opinion or tell them the truth if they ask private questions about your life?
Yes, and somewhat. When I do they get upset. So, I try to soften it...they spare no punches with me.