Do you alternate b/w brands?

Do you alternate brands of biotin?

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I have read more than once that it is best to alternate between brands of Biotin to get the best results.

Do you change brands month to month?

Does biotin just stop working if you don't?

I didn't think the brand was as important as taking it consistently.

I take only 1 brand of biotin (5mg). Other vits that I take contain biotin as well - my b-complex, and my HF37 - so I would guess that that counts as alternating b/w brands...:look:
Hi lady!
I'm not taking biotin I just take a multivitamin brand and I sometimes change the brand. But I don't take vitamins all the year long, I take it 6 months a year!
I am taking PP Super Biotin 10mcg a day.

But I think I'm going to alternate between these quality brands:

Nature's Way
NOW Foods

And that goes for all of my supplements.

How long to ya'll stay on one brand before alternating to the others?

I'm just going to start alternating as I run out. For instance, if I have a 30 day supply of Freeda MSM, I'll rotate to Freeda MSM and so on...