Do you add protein to your hair relaxer?


Well-Known Member
I always thought this was a no no. I thought you are only supposed to use those special protein deep conditioners after a relaxer or else if u use a true protein, a la Aphogee, ur hair will revert. Is this a myth? :confused:
One Good Solution: Adding Protein to Hair Relaxer
Don’t be afraid to try out hair relaxer to get the look you want. All it takes is a little savvy and some know-how and you’re on your way to a new you. Adding protein can take a normally volatile hair product and allow it to work better for you.

[edit]Why Use Protein with a Relaxer?
Relaxers are chemical solutions that break the natural protein bonds of the hair. Adding protein can assist in keeping hair smooth and healthy by restoring some strength and elasticity to the hair, however, it is not possible to restore the hair bonds that are broken down during the relaxing process. Also be aware of what whether it is a protein treatment or a protein oil. Protein oils will add shine, but may not have the same benefits as the protein concentrate.

[edit]Forms of Protein
Protein added to hair relaxer comes in a concentrated form. Wheat protein is used in many hair products; this is a milder form of protein. Animal proteins or hydrolyzed human hair protein are stronger forms of protein. The protein in hair concentrated additives and other hair products works by "sealing" the hair shaft. This results in healthier-looking hair.

[edit]Finding Protein to Add
The first step is to find a good protein additive for your relaxer. Some kits come with protein some don’t. If you need a protein additive StyleOne Hair Systems has a good one to try. Pure and Powerful Hair Protein is also nice because it’s versatile. You can add it to any chemical hair product to increase moisture and softness. You simply add one capful of Pure and Powerful to any relaxer solution. This protein works with any brand of hair relaxer. There are also other brands available; read their ingredients and instructions carefully to choose the best one for you.

[edit]Other Great Solutions
Adding protein to hair relaxer or using relaxers containing protein can help in maintaining healthy hair, but other considerations are necessary.

Use these tips to keep your hair healthy when using a home relaxer kit:

Read all the kit directions before you start.
Always do a hair strand test before relaxing your whole head.
Never use a relaxer on bleached or newly colored hair.
Apply a thick layer of petroleum jelly to protect skin and scalp from burns.
Don’t use hot combs for one week before or after relaxing.
Always rinse the product out well, according to the directions.
Do all this and you can have a healthier hair relaxing experience at home.

[edit]Great Hair Relaxers and Conditioners to Try
Ultra Sheen Supreme Relaxers: Enriched with fortifying conditioners that achieve maximum straightness while strengthening hair. Plus each box comes with 2 full applications. Available in two strengths, fine or normal hair and coarse hair.

Want to avoid chemicals all together? Natural-Laxer Plus is a new, 100 percent chemical free, herbal relaxer. This natural hair care relaxer contains Sahara Clay for maximum chemical free results.


Used properly, hair relaxers can give you a sleek, straight look, and adding protein to hair relaxer can help make it a less stressful treatment for your hair as well..

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No, I don't add protein directly to the relaxer. However, I do a protein treatment prior to the relaxer. Also, I use a reconstructor after rinsing the relaxer out. The next wash I follow up with a protein conditioner as well.