Do you add oil to your conditioner?

Do you add oil to your conditioner?

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People always asked "oh you finally put a perm n that,
Hmph! Somebody would be getting a verbal:hardslap:from me for that one.

On topic: I mix sweet almond oil with moisturizing conditioner and Dabur Alma Hair Oil with ORS Hair Mayonnaise.
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Yes for the first time this past week. I added 1/4 cup Khoret Amen Hair Oil(Carol's Daughter) to my relaxer. My hair loved it. Then I added Hot 6 oil to conditioner and told my daughter to use it as a prepoo and regular conditioner after she washs. Her hair was so soft.
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I think I use oils with my conditioners about 90% of the time. It has made such a difference in the condition of my hair. These are the oils I use most:

Castor oil
Jojoba oil
Coconut oil
Red Palm Oil

I started doing this when I found the Board. It has completely eliminated any dry, flaky scalp problems. I have not had one single problem with that since I started doing this. Definitely try it. :yep:
I add EvOO to my conditioner while I wear a cap or sit under the dryer (depending on what kind of time I have). I rinse that out and then put in leave in and put a little Jojoba oil on the ends (while wet) and lightly on the strands. I then either wrap or roller set.

My hair comes out with a sheen and is sooooo soft and detangled, not greasy but hydrated from within. It just glistens.

Winter is a'comin' and I'm ready to battle that dryness this year with this regime.
I deep condition 1x a week and add JBCO to whatever conditioner I am using. It leaves my hair silky and shiny and my hair loves it.
I added coconut oil to my DC last night (for the first time) and I really didn't see that much of a difference. I'll try it again to see if there are any changes. Maybe it was the DC I was using. I used Tresseme's Smooth and Silky DC Masque. My hair didn't like it too much anyway. It didn't leave my hair soft and smooth. I added oil to it to see if that would make a difference, but it didn't. I was about to toss it, but instead, I finished up the whole jar. I definitely won't be spending my money on it again.
I have used EVOO as a pre-poo, added it to deep conditioners/cholesterol treatments, and have used it to seal.

I don't do it often, but I'm going to start. I'm slippin' on the moisturizing, and my hair loves oil. I haven't tried EFAs or Coconut oil yet though
Normally, I don't. But my scalp has been dry and flakey these last couple weeks. I might add a little oil to my pre-poo treatment tonight and see what happens.
Yes, I apply oil to my hair mixed with conditioner, sometimes. I have to make sure that I don't go too heavy w/ it, though.
Yes, I have been adding oil (olive or castor) to my conditioner. My hair really likes it. I have my family members doing this now too.
Misread thread -edit...:look: :lol:

Love oil mixed with oil on hair as a pre poo dolo and mixed with conditioner...

it is the best! :yep:
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It all depends on the conditioner.....the only one I can think of right now that I add oil to is Trader Joe's Nourish Spa. I like to mix it with sweet almond oil and meadowfoam oil.
I have two questions about mixing oil in my conditioners? Can someone pls help me out with this...thanks in advance.

*How much oil to use in my conditioners?

*Do you take the conditioner & oil and mix them together in a separate container?
I just did this for the first time on Sunday and loved it. I added Amla and honey to QP Intense--result: Shinier, swangier, softer hair.:grin:

Honey sure does make a difference when added to anything esp when it's heated and applied after cooling.:grin:. It sure does give softer shiner hair.
I have two questions about mixing oil in my conditioners? Can someone pls help me out with this...thanks in advance.

*How much oil to use in my conditioners?

*Do you take the conditioner & oil and mix them together in a separate container?

Hi there, I hope I can help :):

-I use about a capfull of oil (I use the tiny cap on the oil bottle).

-For the Nourish Spa, I do. I transfered my nourish spa to a leftover round container that I saved from a previous conditioner. Then I poured the oil in after the conditioner and swirled it with a plastic spatula.

Hi there, I hope I can help :):

-I don't really measure out the oil, but I think it would be equivalent to about a capfull (I use the tiny cap on the oil bottle).

-For the Nourish Spa, I do. I transfered my nourish spa to a leftover round container that I saved from a previous conditioner. Then I poured the oil in after the conditioner and swirled it with a plastic spatula.


Thanks so much Stargazer! I'm going to start mixing oils in my conditioner this weekend...:yep:

Happy 2008 to you!!
I tried this for the first time with JBCO last week and I loved the result!! My hair didn't dry out as much after washing, and was a lot easier to detangle. After that, I went and bought a bunch of Indian oils and added those to my hair products as well. My hair feels great :grin:
i've done it on occasion, whenever i ask my stylist for a hot oil treatment she mixes it with conditioner, but i didn't notice a big difference, i'm going to start now and see if i notice anything different.
Im suspecting my hair doent care for oils straight on - but the shine and benefits I get to texture when I mix it with any conditioner I use is remarkable. Since I'm AAA I add amla and hibiscus oils to my condish (:weird:)

Ordinarily I add olive oil (not evoo- too smelly) and honey to any DC