Do u tithe on everything?


New Member
I've always been a firm believer in tithe (tho I do fall short at times), and doing it on the gross. Well I wonder now that I'm in this predicament. Should I be tithing on child support?

Should one tithe on things like.....?

Child support
kisz4tj said:
I've always been a firm believer in tithe (tho I do fall short at times), and doing it on the gross. Well I wonder now that I'm in this predicament. Should I be tithing on child support?

Should one tithe on things like.....?

Child support

I can only speak for myself but I tithe on everything. People look at me crazily sometimes but I joyfully pay tithes and offerings. Even in my hardest times, I have tithe and God has always come through for me. In my experience, tithing is often not about the money but it is about obedience. I cannot afford not to tithe. I know many will not agree with what I am saying and I respect their opinions and perspectives. But I can only tell you what I know. I have been in similiar incidents and have fallen short and really put myself in a bind due to my lack of obedience. Many people would say how do you know this was due to not paying tithes. All I can say is that you just know. Tithing is an act of worship, gratitude, and obedience. Obedience is better than sacrifices. You have to trust God to be your provision. We shut the door if we cannot simply move out of faith. The act of giving which is simply an act of faith invites God's supernatural intervention into our lives and our finances. It sounds crazy to the carnal mind but it is true to the spiritual mind and the two cannot comprehend the other. It is not the money that is an important factor because God doesn't have need of it because He owns everything. It is your faith and an act of obedience that moves God when you take something that you value and do what He asks you to do with it (think Abraham on Mount Moriah with Issac. That is where the name Jehovah Jireh-God will provide originated). I am a witness He has never failed me yet. I have tithe off of a little and I have tithe off of tens of thousands. I pray this helps.

Also, I think I have mentioned this book before (I am not sure) but I found The Financially Confident Woman by Mary Hunt to be very helpful. She writes the book from a Christian's perspective but it is also financially sound. It is written in a practical manner to help individuals overcome financial hardships. Once featured on Oprah, she details in her book the things she did to get her and her family out of $100,000 of debt. In the book (Chapter 6: The Financially Confident Woman is a Giver), she discussed tithes. The chapter is subtitled with this: To tithe is to trust. It is to acknowledge that God will provide, that God will protect. When you give to God you create an investment in your own spirituality, your community, your family, and your faith. I think that segment would be helpful to you.

BTW, I like your new picture.
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Thanks sooo much Czyfaith...this is just what I needed to hear. I really like Mary Hunt.....I'm finishing Debt Proof Living and when she started quoting Malachi I wanted to shout :lol:
kisz4tj said:
:lachen: :lachen:....this lady....ya know last week...I actually signed up for her online subscription.

Thanks for letting me know she had another book. I will go check it out. If I like it as you obviously do I will make it part of my library. You always give me heads up on good books! ;)
I try to tithe on everything. There are times when I receive something extra and spend it before I realize what I've done but they are few and far between. My tithes on my salary are pre-calculated which helps because I know what I'm already going to give each week.
kisz4tj said:
:lachen: :lachen:....this lady....ya know last week...I actually signed up for her online subscription.

I was wondering if you knew about the subscription. I was gonna mention it, but I waz wating until the end of the challenge. :p I think the subscription is work EVERY penny!:D
i tithe on everything. my momma taught me to do that, cuz she did that...and i figure, what is giving God more of my money?! it's all from Him anyway!!!!:D
Generally speaking I tithe on everything but I must admit sometimes with some small surprise checks I may deposit it forget about them for example I sometimes get a $10.00 commission check for herbs I sell. But all my major money gets tithe back to God's work.
It's my understanding that a tithe is the first tenth of the "fruits" you earn for your labor. Therefore, if you did no labor for say child support, alimony, gifts, etc. then it is not the first fruit that God asks for in the Old Testament.

However, there would be nothing wrong with giving a tenth of that income if you'd like, or you could give God an offering from it. (or both!)