Do U Shampoo in the sink? Here is my Routine.


New Member
I'm a sink shampoo kind of gal so i know that not being armed with proper techniques can turn a simple task like shampooing into a war of who can get the tangle out. Some folks either dont like to shampoo in the shower or cant for whatever reason and people have asked me how i go about shampooing in the sink without the frustration. After many, many bad experiences while shampooing i have come up with a routine that has been working for me for the last 8 months
The following is what i usually tell anyone that want to make shampooing in the sink easier. Hope this can help someone, even if it makes it just a little easier

Washing in the sink -- a few extra steps we have to take beforehand

First go ahead and comb all your hair down to your sides as you normally would making sure to remove any tangles as you comb through it.

Next (these next 3 steps are where youre gonna get your sanity back these extra steps are things us sink shampoo'ers MUST do to avoid massive tangles )

*Now lean forward (sorta like you do when you are tying your shoes)
*Start combing all your hair forward with a wide tooth comb. slowly work the comb through, detangling while you comb.
*Once you have all your hair detangled, while still leaning forward gather and secure your hair HIGH on top your head(i mean like high as in near your forhead high) in a ponytail.

Now youre ready to shampoo
(Be sure to pick a shampoo with excellent 'slip' this will help to decrease the likelyhood of creating tangles as you shampoo.)

* Now that your hair is in a high ponytail and all nicely detangled just lean forward into the sink and remove your scrunchie or whatever you used to secure your hair. and your hair will be nicely detangled and ready to wash

*I use Cream of Nature shampoo which provides excellent slip for my 4a/b hair and makes detangling super easy.

*Wet your hair and work the shampoo around your scalp with your fingertips.. once you finish working the shampoo around your scalp, slowly slide your fingers through your hair while letting the force of the water help you detangle as you do this. when i finish actually shampooing i apply a little more shampoo to my hair (not my scalp) i work it down my hair then i take a comb and run it through there with the force of the water helping the comb through. by this time the comb just glides right through.

* Next i rinse out the shampoo pat my hair dry and slowly work my fingers and a wide tooth comb through it slowly to remove any tangles i may have after patting the water out and i'm ready to blowdry.

******Those of you that condition after every shampoo******
Please be sure to use a conditioner that also provides good slip or "glideability" for the comb to go thru your hair or else you could possibly end up with a head full of tangles after all your hard work at avoiding tangles during your shampoo.

HTH jainygirl
Re: Shampoo in the sink? Here R Hints 2 make it Easier

When I used to shampoo my hair in the sink, I would also comb all of my hair forward. It actually worked out well. However, my back cannot tolerate the pain.
Re: Shampoo in the sink? Here R Hints 2 make it Easier

I shampoo in the sink too I hate to shampoo in the shower I
never feel I get a good rinse out of conditioners on the sides of my hair.
I bought a flexable swirval actachment for my sink it is turns in every direction I love it.
Re: Shampoo in the sink? Here R Hints 2 make it Easier

When I was younger, I used to always shower in the "laundry" sink. I had no real problems b/c I used Cream of Nature shampoo and I was relaxed. Both of those equal less tangles. I also combed my hair straight forward.

Recently, I tried washing my hair in the bathtub sink. That was a big no-no. My back hurt way too much.

I think I will try washing my hair in the kitchen sink to see if my back hurts.

I will make one suggestion to people using the sink method. If you have super-tangly hair (like me or you're a transitioner), part your hair in two down the middle. Then wash those two sides going towards your ears instead of your forehead. That will alleviate a lot of the tangles coming from sink-washing.

Thanks for the tips.
I shampoo in the sink because I use distilled water only on my tap water at all. These are some great tips to add to mine. I also found like you (from trial and error) that combing all my hair forward before I start and through the entire process keeps my hair tangle free.
i dont have problems washing my hair in the sink either. when i was little however.. water would be all over the place. lol
I can't remember the last time I've washed my hair in the sink. Now that I've began to deep condition after pooing I may give the sink option a try instead of jumping back into the shower for a second time.

*Off topic* your avatar doing the dance routine from Janet Jackson's "If." If he/she isn't, the choreography is identical to the tee! Regardless, I like it!
nolechik said:
I can't remember the last time I've washed my hair in the sink. Now that I've began to deep condition after pooing I may give the sink option a try instead of jumping back into the shower for a second time.

*Off topic* your avatar doing the dance routine from Janet Jackson's "If." If he/she isn't, the choreography is identical to the tee! Regardless, I like it!

[/ QUOTE ]

really? LOL i didn't even notice!

i think it's easier to wash in the sink if you have one of those little sprayer attachments on it.
I use the kitchen sink all the time. I do not like jumping in and out of the shower and I don't know how folks can tolerate that. I am very careful how I towel dry and detangle my hair. I usually just pat it down, so water is not dripping all over the place and gently comb it forward, then I start to comb it downward. The key is to use the best detangling conditioner you can find!
KaramelKendra said:
Is there any particular benefit in washing hair in the sink?
Cuz I don't see what's the problem with getting in the

[/ QUOTE ]

Some people don't like the idea of shampooing and then conditioning - having to get out of the shower to deep condition - and then get back in. The getting in and out of the shower part can be time consuming.

Also, not only do you have to deal with your hair after showering, but your body - moisturizing and changing clothes.

Washing in the sink allows you to "just" wash your hair and that's it.

If you're a daily washer or someone who washes first thing in the morning, it's no big deal b/c you're showering anyway.

I know I find it a hassle when I want to wash my hair at night, whereas I typically shower in the morning. But I don't have time to completely wash/condition my hair in the morning before work.
I agree with you Hairlove. For me it is so much easier. Also if you want you can shampoo in the shower and rinse in the sink instead of getting back in(..add conditioner..put on the plastic cap). Dry off and get dressed then just <font color="red">rinse</font> in the sink.
First I use conditioner in my hair and fingercomb out all the tangles. I have to put something in myhair to detangle because it's curly and by the time I wash it, it's loaded up with gel that makes it kinda hard.

Then I clip my detangled hair into two sections, then I wash them... all going towards the front.

No tangles or anything after that

Does anyone know if the conditioner be called a pre poo treatment? I have noticed a big improvement since I started doing it.
I gave up washing my hair and my daughter's hair in the sink almost a year ago. The tangles and subsequent hair loss was just not worth it. Now I make taking care of my hair a top priority and take the time to wash it in the shower.
Thanks for the tips
I currently shampoo in the sink for rinsing out all the wood and debree from Henna treatments, and also I don't like to waste water by using all that shower water just for my hair. Although, the shower is god for when I want my hair to lay 'down'.