Do u follow directions to the tee on the hair product label?


New Member
I normally leave conditioners on longer than the 3 to 5 minutes as stated on the label of the hair product. Even the Aphoghee 2 min two minute treatment, I will leave on 15 mins or so. I'm a bit curious because you always hear for "best results use as directed". Do you any of you ladies use products as directed or use to suit your own hair needs?
I do the same thing...leave products on longer. I think when manufacturers say "best when used as directed" it is geared towards people with average length and thickness. My hair is thick and it takes must longer than "directed" for a product to penetrate.
On some items I do follow the directions (reconstructors and other protein treatments) But on others I dont like moisture dc most say 10-15 min w/wo heat I usually do an hour with heat. Some members here even do overnight moistrue dc. I am almost 10 months post and my hair needs the heat with my dc.
i use the directions as a guide, especially with a new product ... but ultimately i listen to how my hair is responding, and adjust the time up or down accordingly. but especially if i'm mixing in some add-ins to a product -- butters, oils, aloe & the like, i tend to leave it in longer. :grin::grin::grin:
I've discovered that it is important to do so with a new product but as I use it more I may tweak it differently to my hair desires and results.
The first time I use a product, I use it alone and follow directions to a tee. I then see how my hair feels, and if it's not where I'm used to, then I alter directions as I feel is necessary. The only product that I follow directions to a tee every single time is the ApHogee hardcore treatment. I even use the balancing moisturizer, along with a whole bunch of other stuff....
I RARELY follow the instructions to the tee. Each person's hair has certain needs that may differ from others. (Most of the time I leave the products on longer than instructed). When I feel lazy I may use less time than normal. Also, I feel that the instructions may primarily be for those who don't need any extra time or care.
nope, not at all ... "im a grown woman, i do as i please" --> lol ... i tend to follow directions for treatments such as Aphogee 2 step and Relaxer but for everything else i do whatever i feel like doing. It might say leave in for 3 mins, i leave in for 8 hrs:ohwell:
No I hardly ever follow the directions. Except AO conditioners...I do what it says, cuz my hair likes it that way!
The first time I use a product, I use it alone and follow directions to a tee. I then see how my hair feels, and if it's not where I'm used to, then I alter directions as I feel is necessary.

That's exactly how I am. If I use a new product I use it by itself (no add-ins) and I use it exactly as directed. Then the next I'll use it however I want to.

I notice a lot of people don't use things as directed and add all kinds of stuff and then wonder why they don't get good results or have a setback.
The first time I use a product, I use it alone and follow directions to a tee. I then see how my hair feels, and if it's not where I'm used to, then I alter directions as I feel is necessary. The only product that I follow directions to a tee every single time is the ApHogee hardcore treatment. I even use the balancing moisturizer, along with a whole bunch of other stuff....

Same here. I do whatever the heck I want ... except with ApHogee. I've read enough horror stories to not play with that. The most I leave it on is 5 minutes.
The only time I really follow directions is with protein. I'm not taking any chances.

Other than that, I listen to my hair.
:look: umm They come with instructions?? :look: ...

nah I dont read instructions unless it's chemicals involved..and in my case ..not any more..