Do these edges look healthy to you (pics)?


Well-Known Member
Please see the attachments...sorry for the quality, taken under weird lighting with my iTouch :perplexed

The first two are of my edges pulled down without any product, the third is of my edges with moisturizer applied. I think I already know what the final verdict is going to be, I just want to make sure I'm not paranoid & get a second opinion...I personally like the bushy part of my edges more than the stringy relaxed part. As you can see, the relaxed part sticks together and becomes limp when moisturizer (or ANY product) is applied, which makes smoothing my buns one heck of a problem (if anyone's seen my posts here and here asking desperately for help on my streaking issue when PSing) Finally, the fourth photo is a picture of my hair a few cm away from my hairline, where the new growth is kinky, then becomes slick straight, then textured mid shaft. If anyone knows anything about this either, please fill me in because I'm confused :confused:

I am planning on receiving some Lavendar JBCO soon (thanks prettybyrd!) but I'd appreciate any advice/feedback :yep:


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idk about healthy, but they don't look thin. my edges are thicker but i have 4b hair there. some ladies on here have 4a or 3c edges and much thinner than mine but just as healthy if not more
It looks like you have fine edges and a bit of breakage... not unhealthy or thinning edges.
It looks thin, but hair along the edges is always thinner, right?

Do you have any pics with your hair smoothed back from your hairline, like into a ponytail? That way we can see what your full hairline looks like.....
honestly the edges thing is always tricky becuase like most of our hair I think to some extent you cant control of thick your eges are.

They look pretty good to me. The best way to know what healthy edges look like for you, is to baby them and take extra good care of them for 6 months. If nothing changes, then you know those are your edges.