Do Serums dry out 4a/b hair?


Well-Known Member
Hi ladies, I use Serums to flat iron (CHI, Biosilk, ION, Serums). I would like to know if the use of Serums on wet hair causes the flat ironed results to be dry.

My hair looks good the first day I flat iron, but it can look "dull" by day 2 or 3.

I'm going to test this out myself, by not using serums the next time I flat iron. But I would like to know your experience, or your thoughs on whether or not using serums makes the hair appear dry.

I sometimes use serums on WET hair before I detangle. But I always put my leave in conditioner in FIRST and then apply the serum. Chi Silk Infusion in particular makes detangling a breeze!

I would appreciate any response. Thank you!
Not to me. I do DC well in advance though, and I always flat-iron wet-to-dry first (lately I use a wet protectant instead of just water for this pass). I use a serums for my final pass and it seem to seal in the moisture.

When I was relaxed, I would use a serum on wet hair before flat-ironing or using a curling iron. I didn't know much about hair then, so I don't know if I'd flat-iron relaxed hair if I had it. But serums always seem to seal moisture in for me.

Now if you apply them to hair that is dry (think internal moisture from DCing), you may end up with straw coz your hair will thirst for moisture but the serum will make it hard to moisturize coz it'll form a coating on your hair that is impervious to products.
I think this is Nonie said if there's not enough deep/down moistre in the hair strands to begin with. I add jojoba oil though (afterwards) cause I've been noticing the same issue lately.
I don't use serums before I flatiron (and its a rarity that I do flatiron)

Yup I flatiron hair naked. {Wash/DC/R.Anti-Snap} If your hair is in good shape you don't need anything. All those serums just weigh my hair down.

If you have an excellent DC that rinses well and a good leave-in (Kerastase Sublimateur Jour, or their Nectar Thermique) should suffice. And a little less than a dime size is all you need on wet hair - really.
I used serums when I was relaxed with no problems. I always used on wet hair after deep conditioning and applying my leave ins.

If I moisturize and seal during the week I used a serum to seal in my moisturizer.

I never had a problem with dry hair.
Maybe your hair doesn't like cones. I have fine 4B hair and my hair hair can't take any kind of cones in my products.
Thanks for replying ladies. I couldn't find this thread for the life of me and then I finally found it again today.

I use 1 serum on wash day and I usually apply it to my wet hair to detangle and then blow dry. I switched it up and cut the serum out completely and just started using oils since this post and so far, my hair is shinier and not as dull.

It could be cones! I never thought of that, but my hair could just NOT like the "cone" ingredients that are in my serums.

On my next wash day I'll see if I can try a dime size amount of serum and whether or not that helps. I must be using way too much serum. Because I usually apply a little, detangle, blow dry and then put some on before I flat iron. I'm overdoing it. Thanks Ladies!!! You guys really helped me!