Do seamless paddle brushes exist?


New Member
First off I have no idea of what a seamless brush will look like. and a seamless paddle one i really have no idea.

right now i'm using my diane paddle brush and i don't think it's seamless, but I was wondering if seamless paddle brushes exist.

thanks in advance.
You mean like a Denman but in paddle form? (I'm pretty sure the Denman is seamless) I have been looking for months to see if they also make a paddle brush the same way and they don't. Sucks.
I think the goody add+shine brush is seamless. The pins are formed right out of the base of the brush (if that makes since). It's like there aren't holes w/pins coming out of it they're made into the brush. I have one and it works great w/o ripping my hair, but the pins break easily.
I have an all wooden paddle brush. I love this thing, it's by Earth Therapeutics, found it at Marshalls for $5.
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