Do Satin/Silk Scarves still dry out your hair?


A True Soldier Never Dies
Do you ever go to sleep with a silk/satin scarf, but her your hair feels dry as ever the next morning? I feel like I'm the only one experiencing this. I end up having to wear a shower cap to sleep at times.:laugh:
I haven't experienced it. Does your silk scarf have a matte backing? Are you sleeping with the matte side on your hair? If so, I can see how that causes dryness. Also, is the scarf 100% silk? Lastly, satin is a type of weave; there are satin polyester scarves and satin silk scarves. What type do you have?
Not for me...

I had to stop moisturizing at nite cause my silk scarf was holding in to much moisture causing my scalp to itch and smell
I haven't experienced it. Does your silk scarf have a matte backing? Are you sleeping with the matte side on your hair? If so, I can see how that causes dryness. Also, is the scarf 100% silk? Lastly, satin is a type of weave; there are satin polyester scarves and satin silk scarves. What type do you have?

It does not say which kind. All it says is "it's satin":ohwell:
when i was using a satin scarf/bonnet my hair would come out dry and my wrap would not stay straight it would always come out with a crinkle. Now that i switched to silk my hair is more moisturized and i feel like i dont have to add any product and my wraps dont crinkle anymore.
I haven't experienced it. Does your silk scarf have a matte backing? Are you sleeping with the matte side on your hair? If so, I can see how that causes dryness. Also, is the scarf 100% silk? Lastly, satin is a type of weave; there are satin polyester scarves and satin silk scarves. What type do you have?

This deserved more than a thanks! I never knew that but this is really helpfu information. I know that plenty of ladies complain about their hair being dry in the morning but I always thought that meant you just need more moisture :drunk:
My hair feels dry in the morning too and I just assumed it had to be something with my hair because everyone raves so much about satin scarves. Where do you find the silk scarves? Because I only ever see satin...:ohwell:
I was using satin at first, then I heard silk was much better. It's been great for my hair and leaves it just like I moistuirzed it before going to bed. I tried JoAnn Fabrics but couldn't find a very soft silk so I bought mine on line at I love this thing. It's like a bonnet and scarf in one and is 100% silk. It works great for me because I don't wrap my hair. I just bagging my ends and then put the PrettyWrap on. It has never come off during the night. Don't know if will be what you want, but give the website a try. If not, they always have 100% silk scarves at place like Marshall's and TJMaxx. HTH

ETA: the website is actually No 's' on the end. Although the webiste above has some pretty scarves too:)
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Yes, they do! If I have any product on my hair at night, that means I want my hair to be moisturised so that I do not have to co-wash in the morning. Wearing a scarf alone will soak up much of the product, so I also sleep with a shower cap (baggy). It works wonders for me.
Satin scarves tend to hold moisture and make my scalp sweat. I have an old (10+ years) black scarf that I use and I love it. I don't remember what the fabric was and both the patter and tags have been long gone. I tend to use this as my "on top" scarf. Underneath, I will use a silk neck scarf for my edges or to tie down my hair when wet.

As far as whether or not they dry my hair out, the black scarf does not. If anything it seems to moisturize my hair (even when it is clean :lachen:). However, I have to be careful with the silk. I do not use them everyday, and I always add extra oil to my hair if the scarf is freshly washed. I have gotten up in the morning and found the scarf had absorbed all the oil in my hair and my hair was dryer than I expected.
^^I haven't seen a silk scarf in a BSS go to any fabric shop and ask for 100% silk you only need a metre/yard.

I use a satin pillowcase and nope doesn't dry out my hair. I have to say though when I use a silk scarf my hair feels amazing.
I Use 100% Silk and Never Had an Issue.

I usually get mine from TJ Maxx or Marshall's On Clearance back there where the scarves, belts, wallets etc...are all on Clearance. Decorative Scarves. I never look in BSS's for that kind of stuff.

I usually get some Great Looking Designer Ones at Good Prices.:yep:
I Use 100% Silk and Never Had an Issue.

I usually get mine from TJ Maxx or Marshall's On Clearance back there where the scarves, belts, wallets etc...are all on Clearance. Decorative Scarves. I never look in BSS's for that kind of stuff.

I usually get some Great Looking Designer Ones at Good Prices.:yep:

ditto to the above
The trick for me is to get it to stay on during the night once that happens my hair is usually still moisturized in the morning.
I have 100% silk bonnet and I've discovered after all these years that it was soaking the moisture from my hair. I guess because the fibers are natural and not synthetic. So I saturated the bonnet in oil (removed the excess) and I am going to test it out tonight.

**I wear one of those tightly weaved crocheted hats over my bonnets anyway so the oil won't get on my bedding.
I literally woke up with dry hair after sleeping with the silk bonnet on versus my cotton pillow case or even cotton scarf. So hopefully it will do better after being soaked in oil.