Do oils make your hair stink?!


New Member
...Or is it just me?! Today I was doing laundry, and I kept smelling something funny. So, naturally I sniffed the clothes as I took them out of the washer. It wasn't them, it was me!! :eek: I washed and used my unrefined coconut oil yesterday, which my hair loves but its starting to make my hair smell weird...not coconutty fresh at all.

Am I the only one this is happening to? Is anyone else having smell issues when using food products like EVOO or coconut oils?
You know what, now that you mention it, yes!! Everytime I use oils my hair does smell kinda funny. Come to think of it, I havent use any oils all wk and my hair doesnt have that funny smell. Thats really weird:ohwell:
Yes. I just used some garlic oil since I was home for a few days. I thought: "After a couple of days the smell will be gone" right? Didn't happen. I washed my hair like 10 times and it still stinks like hell. Tomorrow I'm going to work again and my hair is still stinking a little, what can I do:( ?
lol, i know what you mean, this only happens to me with plain unrefined oils. if i use something like hot six oil, or even mix the oil i am using (pure caster or almond) with something else like giovani or sleek and shine leave in i find that my hair is not stinky over the next few days.
Thank you, I thought I was losing my mind!

I was sniffing around, thinking, I know that's not me, that cannot be me stinking like that! :lol:

It seems to happen to me when I use anything other than jojoba...yesterday I used sweet almond oil, just a littleon my scalp, and my head smells. :perplexed
WomanlyCharm said:
Thank you, I thought I was losing my mind!

I was sniffing around, thinking, I know that's not me, that cannot be me stinking like that! :lol:

It seems to happen to me when I use anything other than jojoba...yesterday I used sweet almond oil, just a littleon my scalp, and my head smells. :perplexed

:grin: That was me today!! I'm not sure what to do...I really love using the unrefined oils, but I guess I'll have to mix them with something a bit more fragrant?
Qetesh said:
lol, i know what you mean, this only happens to me with plain unrefined oils. if i use something like hot six oil, or even mix the oil i am using (pure caster or almond) with something else like giovani or sleek and shine leave in i find that my hair is not stinky over the next few days.
Qetesh, your hair is so beautiful, I love your lenght I want your lenght now!!!!! Calling out Qetesh!!!
Unrefined coconut oil does not have the "coconutty" smeel that we associate with it because that scent we think of it actually a perfume. I think the unrefined coconut smells like soap.

Perhaps you can try adding essential oils to your unrefined oils. I would also suggest checking the expiration dates - unrefined oils do have the usual preservatives and will go bad - thus the smell.

For the garlic - have you tried a lemon rinse? The idea is when one uses garlic or onion in the kitchen, rubbing hands with leon oils or will get rid of the bas smell. Demalogica makes a products called "preclense" that is itself oils that mix with oils on your face. When they blend and are mixed with water, all of the oils emulsify and can be washed away very easily.
jancan7 said:
Qetesh, your hair is so beautiful, I love your lenght I want your lenght now!!!!! Calling out Qetesh!!!

thank you :) jancan7, i jus hope i can get to tailbone length or at least brushing it at some point. i guess u never get it long enough LOL
I havent paid too much attention, but as far as i know the only thing that makes my hair smell bad is MTG. Otherwise, the smell of other oils just disappear after a few days for me.
I only wash once a week. I notice if I apply oils to my scalp, my hair begins to stink a few days later, but if I don't use oil at all that week, my hair smells fine. I just figured that the oil makes dirt and smells stick to my hair.
Yep, and for a while I couldn't figure out where it was coming from since I smelled my body and my clothes and I couldnt find the source.
Wow I thought it was just me. My scarf or bonnet smells really rank by the 4th/5th day. I didn't know what it was I thought my hair was just dirty...:lol:
I wash or cowash my hair every day or every other day so I haven't encountered this problem. I do put an incredible amount of oil in my hair, but I do it just before cowashing, not after. Some remains in my hair, but since I wash it the next day or day after that, maybe it just doesn't have a chance to start smelling bad.
KiniKakes said:
I havent paid too much attention, but as far as i know the only thing that makes my hair smell bad is MTG. Otherwise, the smell of other oils just disappear after a few days for me.[/quote]

Ditto that. But my scarves and bonnets, WHOA!! I make sure I wash those with a clarifying shampoo frequently. For those who get those smells even when washing frequently, I wonder if the smells are transferring from your scarf/bonnet?
Yup, makes mine stink and as a matter of fact, my hair hates too much oil oil and heavy creams. I will act a fool until I wash it out.
Seaseme Seed oil is the stinkiest oil I've tried. Worst than Amla oil. I wash and washed my hair for days after this stuff and the smell still lingered. But it was my hair feel beautiful.

Other oils that I apply to dry hair doesn't make my hair stinky.
You know is my dumb scarf!! I throw that sucker in the wash once a week, but I was wearing it when I did laundry yesterday *DUH*

My hair smells much better today, I guess it got aired out some! I'm taking a break from unrefined oils, and will try Vatica oil for a while and see if that helps with my smell issue :look:
certain oils do. Jojoba never has. Coconut can if I leave it in too long.

I think that because these oils are natural they can and do get rancid. Jojoba even though its natural dosen't get rancid. Not sure why but it dosen't.

Worst offender is Emu. I think that totally beats out MTG:lol:

I get the triple refined Emu because I don't know anyone who wants to smell like a dead chicken on purpose... So the Triple refined isn't as smelly as the regular, though a faint wiff is still there (can be taken care of by adding a small amount of tangerine oil)

Hmm... I'll be sticking to my refined oils now I think!

I used coconut oil and almond oil and haven't had this problem. I do usually wash/CO wash at least a few times a week though.
RainbowCurls said:
Hmm... I'll be sticking to my refined oils now I think!

I used coconut oil and almond oil and haven't had this problem. I do usually wash/CO wash at least a few times a week though.

I cowash quite a bit too but do notice that after a couple of days of using a natural oil, I have that "not so fresh" smell to my hair if I use anything aside from straight jojoba. Since I rinse my hair quite a lot on a weekly basis because of my workout schedule, I don't really have problems at all.
