Do NOT buy the Instyler...Review inside...


Well-Known Member
It was a complete waste of my money, time, and growth.

I had to go over my hair about 3 or 4 times... it is HOT HOT HOT!!!!
my hair would have come out better using my GVP CHI knockoff... it was not bouncy... it WAS shiny in the middle all the way down (my hair is almost BSL)
and it didn't look pretty at ALL!

Also, the rotating cylinder with the brush bristles are CRAZY... if you don't time the pulling down PERFECTLY with the turning to make the "bump" at the ends of your hair, it looks like your hair has small little crimps in it, and if you turn it on the 3rd setting, your hair looks like melted synthetic weave if you put heat to it...

The smoke coming off that thing was frightening and I didn't even USE the highest setting... the shine lasted about 15 minutes... I was embarrassed at the finished product. If someone tells me that you have to "master the technique", my response to that would be, "if there is THAT much that has to go into using that device it is NOT worth it." Point Blank

I wouldn't even GIVE this away to either of my sisters, friends or cousins... because I don't want to be the blame for all the hair they will lose using this awful contraption.

I SWEAR to you I lost at LEAST 200 strands yesterday. And the killer... MY HAIR TODAY LOOKS LIKE I'VE NOT DONE MY HAIR IN WEEKS. I am only about 10 or 11 weeks post ... I've stretched with no problem for months at a time, because I KNOW how to tame my NG... the bottom line...

I saw that thing on the infomercial with Kimberly Locke from American Idol. I saw those itty bitty brushes and the rotating motion and said Huh uh! Can you return it? If so, do! And get yourself a regular flat-iron!
Nope... got it off eBay. And it even says the seller will NOT take returns. I think she was selling the extra one that came with her order...

I do have a cousin that hates on me whenever possible. I should get a fresh perm and flat iron my hair and tell her I did it with the instyler, and then sell her mine for half price.
^^^That is so mean. When i saw that thing I didn't want it. the brush the rotating. No sir. Not for me and my hair. I will stick with blowdrying and flat ironing.
You are to funny OP, I called them up when I saw the ad, after she explained to me it's $14.99 to try it for 30 days and after that its 3 payments of $39.99 I said no thank you and hand up. That was friday night, they now call me everyday, I feel like they are stalking my phone.
Nope... got it off eBay. And it even says the seller will NOT take returns. I think she was selling the extra one that came with her order...

I do have a cousin that hates on me whenever possible. I should get a fresh perm and flat iron my hair and tell her I did it with the instyler, and then sell her mine for half price.
I got one and I love it. I use it on the middle setting and it straightens my hair nicely, the lowest setting is too low and the highest is too high. I always use a heat protectant prior to use and it always comes out shiney and bouncy, I've used it on my grandmother and she loves it as well.

But don't get me wrong there are a few downsides....
1. it's a tad bit heavy
2. the rotating part is the part that gets hot and there is no burn guard so I use it with the rotating part up instead of down as a safety measure
3. it's loud

I made a youtube video showing how I use it and the results... I'm
Nope... got it off eBay. And it even says the seller will NOT take returns. I think she was selling the extra one that came with her order...

I do have a cousin that hates on me whenever possible. I should get a fresh perm and flat iron my hair and tell her I did it with the instyler, and then sell her mine for half price.


Thank you OP, for the review. I know there were a couple of ladies considering that torture device and you just did them a HUGE favor with this warning!

Yeah, regular flat iron for me all the way.:yep:
I got one and I love it. I use it on the middle setting and it straightens my hair nicely, the lowest setting is too low and the highest is too high. I always use a heat protectant prior to use and it always comes out shiney and bouncy, I've used it on my grandmother and she loves it as well.

But don't get me wrong there are a few downsides....
1. it's a tad bit heavy
2. the rotating part is the part that gets hot and there is no burn guard so I use it with the rotating part up instead of down as a safety measure
3. it's loud

I made a youtube video showing how I use it and the results... I'm

Your hair in the sig looks GAWGEOUS!! What did you use/do to get it looking that way?!
Nope... got it off eBay. And it even says the seller will NOT take returns. I think she was selling the extra one that came with her order...

I do have a cousin that hates on me whenever possible. I should get a fresh perm and flat iron my hair and tell her I did it with the instyler, and then sell her mine for half price.

The "Instyler" scared me from seeing it on TV. A hot thing w/ a whirling brush? Nada for me. The Dominican blow outs, I can understand, but this thing? The brushes whirl so fast that it seems it'll pull your hair right out....and I'm talking about White folks. For Blacks, well if you wanna see how little hair you can have, this is for you! :giggle: This, IMHO, was NOT made w/ African textures in mind, esp. natural ones.
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You are to funny OP, I called them up when I saw the ad, after she explained to me it's $14.99 to try it for 30 days and after that its 3 payments of $39.99 I said no thank you and hand up. That was friday night, they now call me everyday, I feel like they are stalking my phone.

YES! They called me for about 3 weeks STRAIGHT!!!! Too bad I got mine off eBay...:rolleyes:

I got one and I love it. I use it on the middle setting and it straightens my hair nicely, the lowest setting is too low and the highest is too high. I always use a heat protectant prior to use and it always comes out shiney and bouncy, I've used it on my grandmother and she loves it as well.

But don't get me wrong there are a few downsides....
1. it's a tad bit heavy
2. the rotating part is the part that gets hot and there is no burn guard so I use it with the rotating part up instead of down as a safety measure
3. it's loud

I made a youtube video showing how I use it and the results... I'm

I'm glad it worked out for you... it SHO didn't work for me, and I have long hair and have no issues... curiosity got the best of me, but I won't let it happen again! I thought it was funny how the one poster complimented your siggy pic (which is nice btw) and asked if it was from the instyler and you were like, naw... that's from the salon!:lachen:

The "Instyler" scared me from seeing it on TV. A hot thing w/ a whirling brush? Nada for me. The Dominican blow outs, I can understand, but this thing? The brushes whirl so fast that it seems it'll pull your hair right out....and I'm talking about White folks. For Blacks, well if you wanna see how little hair you can have, this is for you! :giggle:
Girl!!! I pulled out so much of my hair from those damn bristles it was pathetic! Not to mention the hair that was burned onto the rolling thing... :nono::nono: Never again no more!!!!! I shoulda took a pic of my hair that collected on the sink top - that woulda scared away EVERYBODY for good!
Thank you so much for letting us know. I wasn't going to buy this any time soon, but I am shopping around for a new straightening tool. Guess I'll keep researching flat irons!
Girl!!! I pulled out so much of my hair from those damn bristles it was pathetic! Not to mention the hair that was burned onto the rolling thing... :nono::nono: Never again no more!!!!! I shoulda took a pic of my hair that collected on the sink top - that woulda scared away EVERYBODY for good!

I'm sorry this happened to you, but that whirling brush is the debil! It's the combo that's a true disaster. If you want straight hair on your own, try conventional means sans brush. BTW, thanks for the review.

Whatever anyone does who's reading away from the whirling brush!
I got one and I love it. I use it on the middle setting and it straightens my hair nicely, the lowest setting is too low and the highest is too high. I always use a heat protectant prior to use and it always comes out shiney and bouncy, I've used it on my grandmother and she loves it as well.

But don't get me wrong there are a few downsides....
1. it's a tad bit heavy
2. the rotating part is the part that gets hot and there is no burn guard so I use it with the rotating part up instead of down as a safety measure
3. it's loud

I made a youtube video showing how I use it and the results... I'm

i found it!

your hair came out very pretty.
i don't trust the spinning brush, or the non-ceramic heat... so i'll pass. thanks for the review OP. :yep:
i found it!

your hair came out very pretty.
i don't trust the spinning brush, or the non-ceramic heat... so i'll pass. thanks for the review OP. :yep:

Funny, I watched this review on youtube right before I bought mine. But it didn't turn out that way for me. The only difference is that the girl in the video put the rotating thing on TOP instead of the bottom... hmmm... I wonder if that would make a difference for me...???

MAYBE... since I've spent the money on it and I own the thing now, MAYBE I'll try it again just ONE MORE TIME and do it this way... at least I'll be prepared with a camera next time to take pics of the hair that I lose...

I'll let you guys know...
There was a warning from the Instyler commercials on You Tube. They were saying that there were people on Ebay selling fake irons. Buyer beware when you go through Ebay. If you used the Instyler company and you got a faulty iron, your credit card company could go after them. Ebay is like Russian Roulette.:ohwell: Never heard of a company that doesn't have a refund policy.:naughty: I would think that the instyler would work for me because I use a hot air brush to blow dry and style my hair. If it doesn't work, I'd call the credit card company anyway to complain about their bad business practices.:rolleyes:
Thanks for letting us know. I've been thinking about getting one and then kept looking at the brush thinking it has to be dangerous.

I've seen a few reviews where it took people 3-4 times going over there hair with it to get it straight.

I'll stick to the flatiron
There was a warning from the Instyler commercials on You Tube. They were saying that there were people on Ebay selling fake irons. Buyer beware when you go through Ebay. If you used the Instyler company and you got a faulty iron, your credit card company could go after them. Ebay is like Russian Roulette.:ohwell: Never heard of a company that doesn't have a refund policy.:naughty: I would think that the instyler would work for me because I use a hot air brush to blow dry and style my hair. If it doesn't work, I'd call the credit card company anyway to complain about their bad business practices.:rolleyes:
Thanks for the warning, but this is a real one. She had two, and kept one... sold the other. All the paperwork and serial number and all that jazz is in there...
Funny, I watched this review on youtube right before I bought mine. But it didn't turn out that way for me. The only difference is that the girl in the video put the rotating thing on TOP instead of the bottom... hmmm... I wonder if that would make a difference for me...???

MAYBE... since I've spent the money on it and I own the thing now, MAYBE I'll try it again just ONE MORE TIME and do it this way... at least I'll be prepared with a camera next time to take pics of the hair that I lose...

I'll let you guys know...

thanks a million for your review.

i was so curious about this product and i was going to do research on it this weekend. thanks again!!! very helpful ( and scary)

i am sad to hear about the hair that you lost with this thing. loosing 200 hairs is kinda blinding and its kinda foggy to me why you want to give this thing a try again :o

if you do be careful! all hair is not created equal & what may work for someone might be beyond awful for another. please keep us posted on your verdict on if you want to try it again and the results.
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Awww, I'm sorry it was so bad for you.

My mother gave me one (part of her lifelong plan to get me to straighten:wink2: ) and I let it sit around for 6 months before using (I only straighten 1-2 x a year).

Turned out I LOVE it; it's the only machine I've ever been able to use with success on my own. (It was a bit too successful ,though, since several of my hairs haven't reverted after this last time I used it).

I don't know if hair type makes a difference. FYI, I have thin 3c curls with some 3b parts. I detangle obsessively first, twist into sections and allow to dry enough to get the wet off but no so much the curls would net together and coil up, and slather on serum (from Organix).

It does not get as sleek and shiny as a ceramic iron, but I don't care about that. What's important is that I can straighten my own hair and look quite good!

Thanks, mommy...I'm not straightening more often, though.:grin:
my sister bought one, and I"ve used it. Guys...the brush isn't that serious :lachen:you guys are acting like it has rotating metal spikes. The "brush" if thats what you want to call it, are soft bristles, and they don't catch on your hair. As a matter of fact, I used it after blowing with the tension method on my natural 4b hair no less, and it did not snag or tear our my hair. (it wasn't even detangled that well to boot). The brushes do not rotate, the barrel of the flat iron does. And to be honest, if you have any tangles, the brush will just go right over it, since it doesn't clamp your hair that tightly.

It didn't work that well for me because I think my hair needs more heat, it barely straightened, and I had to use multiple passes. I think it only goes up to a relatively low temperature... Plus it was loud. All in all, i thought it was ok, it could have been worse, but definitely not as bad as some of you guys are making it out to be. It might have a better result on a relaxed head.
my sister bought one, and I"ve used it. Guys...the brush isn't that serious :lachen:you guys are acting like it has rotating metal spikes. The "brush" if thats what you want to call it, are soft bristles, and they don't catch on your hair. As a matter of fact, I used it after blowing with the tension method on my natural 4b hair no less, and it did not snag or tear our my hair. (it wasn't even detangled that well to boot). The brushes do not rotate, the barrel of the flat iron does. And to be honest, if you have any tangles, the brush will just go right over it, since it doesn't clamp your hair that tightly.

It didn't work that well for me because I think my hair needs more heat, it barely straightened, and I had to use multiple passes. I think it only goes up to a relatively low temperature... Plus it was loud. All in all, i thought it was ok, it could have been worse, but definitely not as bad as some of you guys are making it out to be. It might have a better result on a relaxed head.

It barely straightened your hair because it it NOT designed to straighten natural African textures. This might work for someone who has straighter hair, but for people who consider themselves 4bs...fat chance.
thanks a million for your review.

i was so curious about this product and i was going to do research on it this weekend. thanks again!!! very helpful ( and scary)

i am sad to hear about the hair that you lost with this thing. loosing 200 hairs is kinda blinding and its kinda foggy to me why you want to give this thing a try again :o

if you do be careful! all hair is not created equal & what may work for someone might be beyond awful for another. please keep us posted on your verdict on if you want to try it again and the results.

It's not abnormal to SHED 200 hairs a day for is abnormal to BREAK 200 hairs. Just had to say this.
It barely straightened your hair because it it NOT designed to straighten natural African textures. This might work for someone who has straighter hair, but for people who consider themselves 4bs...fat chance.

*shrugs* I always figured that it was more for relaxed heads. After all they have a black girl in the commercials (although that doesn't mean much). I didn't really expect much from it, but I've gotten no less worse results from my old cheapo Hot Tools flat iron, which is why I'm not crazily reccing it mainly because of the price for the performance. If it was $20, I wouldn't mind it so much :grin: All I'm saying is, its not a devilish torture tool designed specifically to rip out your hair like some people are making it out to be. It's just not that serious. Not worth the money, but so are a wide variety of irons that are saturating the flatiron market