Do naturals hair ends break off easier??


Well-Known Member
Im having trouble with the most tightly coiled part of my hair (round the sides). Think is if I grip it or comb some coil ends snap off.
My hair is fine but Ive been looking after it for maybe 3-4 months now pretty religiously so it is in good shape generally and is growing well but I still have trouble with these areas:sad:

If I got it straight (Flat ironed or texlaxed) does that make the tight bits less likely to break if their straightish??? Its really annoying me but I like my fro most times:ohwell: I just think I remember reading that the tighter the coil the more easier it wil break but I maybe crazee?? Pls help
No...If anything, relaxed hair shoulkd break off quicker because the relaxer breaks the bonds down. Hair is strongest in it's natural state. You might want to find out what's causing breakage first. I'm natural and my ends don't break off.
It's not the norm for me. ARe you combing your hair dry? WHat kind of comb are you using, does it have seams? Also are you taking your time and combing your hair slowly vs. ripping the comb thru tangles? I only comb my hair when it is damp or wet and full of condish or detangler. I use a large tooth comb and get little to no breakage.
I agree with what bmoreflygirl says but it is true that natural hair can be very very fragile, especially if it is really tightly coiled and fine on top of that. Every bend in the hair strand is a place for potential breakage, so be careful with those ends. Be sure your elastiticity is well maintained so that your hair will not break everytime you handle it.