Do natural conditioners penetrate?


New Member
I have Aubrey Organics White Camellia and HSR and both say they can be used to DC on dry hair for 15 mins but looking at the igredients I don't really see anything on the list that would make them penetrate the hair shaft. I thought DC had to have cetrimonium chloride or some other type of chloride for it to penetrate into the hair. SO I wanna know what ingredients does a natural conditioner have to have for it to penetrate the hair? And if it does penetrate can it only be done on dry hair?
Good question, I know that they do penetrate, b/c my hair has thrived since I started using Aubrey's conditioners. But I wondered the same thing too!
Well you need to look at things in a whole. Do oils penetrate? Essential oils? Infused waters? Any other natural ingredients that we use in our hair, most likely yes. So, it seems you've got your answer.The duration of time plays a factor and the usage of heat also.
Also, chemicals like the chlorides and glycols allow other thing to penetrate your shaft chemically. Meaning they damage your hair to allow other chemicals (not just the ones in conditioners) to penetrate. In case you were wondering, this also means that if it touches your body, well it does the same thing.
Hope this at least encourages you to do some more research. Good question by the way!