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Nice & Wavy

Well-Known Member
Do I Wear the Marks?
James McDonald -"Walk in the Word"

"I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God that you may know that you have eternal life. And this is the confidence that we have toward him, that if we ask anything according to his will he hears us. And if we know that he hears us in whatever we ask, we know that we have the requests that we have asked of him." - 1 John 5:13-15

Are you a Christian? How do you know?

You're not a Christian because you say you are anymore than you're in Cincinnati because you know how to get there. Being a Christian is not about knowing how to become a Christian; it's about knowing you are one.

If you don't have a mane; if you don't have sharp teeth; if you don't have a long tail - you're not a lion no matter what you say.

If you don't have tires; if you don't have a motor; and if you don't have a steering wheel - you're not a car no matter you say.

If you can't carry a tune; and if you can't hit a note; and if your singing doesn't bless people - stick to the shower, because you're not a soloist no matter what you say.

In the same sense, Christians have fruit; they have characteristics; they have evidence; they have identifying marks.

John said in 1 John 5:13, "I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God that you may know that you have eternal life." You can have the assurance that you're saved. You don't have to wonder - just ask yourself, "Do I have the identifying marks?"

The book of 1 John repeatedly explains the distinguishing characteristics of followers of Christ. No one has them perfectly, but look at your life and ask yourself if you're increasing in these marks:

Am I loving more deeply? Not perfectly, but increasingly...

Am I obeying more faithfully? Not perfectly, but increasingly...

Am I living authentically? The Christian life is not a charade. I'm not wearing a mask. I'm not acting like I'm something I'm not. My heart is very tender to the Lord and He's growing me. That's part of being a real Christian.

When you see these marks in your life, and you know that you long to know Him more and be passionate about doing what pleases Him increasingly more in your life, then your heart swells with assurance. You belong to Him.


Sis, this is such a blessing. Thank you. :Rose:


Precious Wavy, look what your post inspired....

And as many as walk according to this rule, peace be on them, and mercy, and upon the Israel of God.

From henceforth let no man trouble me: for I bear in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus.

Brethren, the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit. Amen. ---- Galatians 6:16-18

You see, when we 'bear' the 'Marks' of Jesus..... :woohoo2:
Sis, this is such a blessing. Thank you. :Rose:


Precious Wavy, look what your post inspired....

And as many as walk according to this rule, peace be on them, and mercy, and upon the Israel of God.

From henceforth let no man trouble me: for I bear in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus.

Brethren, the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit. Amen. ---- Galatians 6:16-18

You see, when we 'bear' the 'Marks' of Jesus..... :woohoo2:

Amen, sis....amen!

And for the 54 other people that read this....Praise the Lord!
:bump: I'm revisiting this thread. Good post, again.

...and I'll add to that, for clarity

Fruit of the Spirit - Visible Growth in Jesus Christ

"Fruit of the Spirit" is a biblical term that sums up the nine visible attributes of a true Christian life. Using the King James Version of Galatians 5:22-23, these attributes are: love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness and temperance. We learn from scripture that these are not individual "fruits" from which we pick and choose. Rather, the fruit of the Spirit is one ninefold "fruit" that characterizes all who truly walk in the Holy Spirit. Collectively, these are the fruit that all Christians should be producing in their new lives with Jesus Christ.
:bump: I'm revisiting this thread. Good post, again.

...and I'll add to that, for clarity

Fruit of the Spirit - Visible Growth in Jesus Christ
"Fruit of the Spirit" is a biblical term that sums up the nine visible attributes of a true Christian life. Using the King James Version of Galatians 5:22-23, these attributes are: love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness and temperance. We learn from scripture that these are not individual "fruits" from which we pick and choose. Rather, the fruit of the Spirit is one ninefold "fruit" that characterizes all who truly walk in the Holy Spirit. Collectively, these are the fruit that all Christians should be producing in their new lives with Jesus Christ.

Laela - thank you for pointing this out! Lord knows I came a loooong way and still growing in these attributes!

Great thread!
If you don't have a mane; if you don't have sharp teeth; if you don't have a long tail - you're not a lion no matter what you say.

If you don't have tires; if you don't have a motor; and if you don't have a steering wheel - you're not a car no matter you say.

If you can't carry a tune; and if you can't hit a note; and if your singing doesn't bless people - stick to the shower, because you're not a soloist no matter what you say.

In the same sense, Christians have fruit; they have characteristics; they have evidence; they have identifying marks.

Amen again. I have always wondered why other things in life are tested by simple facts like this but not Christians. Every wackko on the planet who says I'm a Christian and then goes and kills, rapes, spews hatred, or whatever is considered Christian w/o having any of their fruit examined. The only exception I know to this are those who have chosen to be transgendered.:hide: BTW I am not calling transgender ppl wackkos. :nono: They may bear the outward appearance of the opposite sex but, under a microscope on a cellular level....:takecover:
:bump: I'm revisiting this thread. Good post, again.

...and I'll add to that, for clarity

Fruit of the Spirit - Visible Growth in Jesus Christ

"Fruit of the Spirit" is a biblical term that sums up the nine visible attributes of a true Christian life. Using the King James Version of Galatians 5:22-23, these attributes are: love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness and temperance. We learn from scripture that these are not individual "fruits" from which we pick and choose. Rather, the fruit of the Spirit is one ninefold "fruit" that characterizes all who truly walk in the Holy Spirit. Collectively, these are the fruit that all Christians should be producing in their new lives with Jesus Christ.
Awesome, Laela...yes, thank you so much for this!:yep:

Laela - thank you for pointing this out! Lord knows I came a loooong way and still growing in these attributes!

Great thread!
Thank you, PP.

If you don't have a mane; if you don't have sharp teeth; if you don't have a long tail - you're not a lion no matter what you say.

If you don't have tires; if you don't have a motor; and if you don't have a steering wheel - you're not a car no matter you say.

If you can't carry a tune; and if you can't hit a note; and if your singing doesn't bless people - stick to the shower, because you're not a soloist no matter what you say.

In the same sense, Christians have fruit; they have characteristics; they have evidence; they have identifying marks.

Amen again. I have always wondered why other things in life are tested by simple facts like this but not Christians. Every wackko on the planet who says I'm a Christian and then goes and kills, rapes, spews hatred, or whatever is considered Christian w/o having any of their fruit examined. The only exception I know to this are those who have chosen to be transgendered.:hide: BTW I am not calling transgender ppl wackkos. :nono: They may bear the outward appearance of the opposite sex but, under a microscope on a cellular level....:takecover:
ITA...thanks for responding!
Wavy, I agree...and one thing I learned is for all parties in any disagreement to really see how much of their footprint was in it. We'll go much further. :ohwell:

Satan has nothing to do with this, so I won't give him the credit. I realize this "Jezebel" spirit is in more of US Holy Women than you think. Time for prayer.
God bless...

We must wear the marks...not sometimes, but always!

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Wavy, I agree...and one thing I learned is for all parties in any disagreement to really see how much of their footprint was in it. We'll go much further. :ohwell:

Satan has nothing to do with this, so I won't give him the credit. I realize this "Jezebel" spirit is in more of US Holy Women than you think. Time for prayer.
God bless...
Wow, Laela....this is so not cool:nono:


In my years as a pastor, I've never seen anything like this within the body of Christ.

My Lord and my God....

ETA: BTW, please don't include me in the "US" as a Jezebel spirit...that is so whack!
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What I've read today in another thread made me feel the same way.... My Lord and My God. :look: not cool, indeed, what went on over there as well. It's unfortunate you feel this way, but people can read subtle messages directed at others. How cool is that in the Body of Christ? So some can talk about spirits and others can't? Again.... no authority.
What's "not right" about this board is there's nothing wrong with the board. Just varying opinions and a sense of "control" by a few....

Why spray perfume in a stink room? If we want to be real, let's be.

Wow, Laela....this is so not cool:nono:


In my years as a pastor, I've never seen anything like this within the body of Christ.

My Lord and my God....
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What I've read today in another thread made me feel the same way.... My Lord and My God. :look: not cool, indeed, what went on over there as well. It's unfortunate you feel this way, but people can read subtle messages directed at others. How cool is that in the Body of Christ? So some can talk about spirits and others can't? Again.... no authority.
What's "not right" about this board is there's nothing wrong with the board. Just varying opinions and a sense of "control" by a few....

Why spray perfume in a stink room? If we want to be real, let's be.
You know Laela....peace be still:ohwell:

May you continue on in your 'ministry' here in the CF.

I'm sure the 'other's' that are on here are enjoying this whole thing!

Praise the Lord!
What I've read today in another thread made me feel the same way.... My Lord and My God. :look: not cool, indeed, what went on over there as well.

It's unfortunate you feel this way, but people can read subtle messages directed at others. How cool is that in the Body of Christ? So some can talk about spirits and others can't? Again.... no authority.

What's "not right" about this board is there's nothing wrong with the board. Just varying opinions and a sense of "control" by a few....

Why spray perfume in a stink room? If we want to be real, let's be.
Laela I don't know what's going on with you, but you need to clear yourself of it. There's a lot more going on with you than what went on in that roommate thread. In this thread, you're speaking about Jezebel spirits and and subtle messages and yet, you've beeb making subtle messages in that thread and right here in this one.

Honey, these thread issues are not that serious. Your subtle messages have been quite clear, you also knew that it would be. :yep: For you to take a thread and direct subtle comments against one person indicates that something really deep is going on. You have taken something into your heart that should not be there.

Dear one, why speak against something that you are precisely doing, which is making subtle messages? Laela, this isn't you; you are displaying exactly what you are speaking against. Instead of hiding behind subtle remarks, so obvious, speak up child. Speak up. You've started the issue, you need to clear your heart.

I see that you've mentioned something about a Jezebel spirit. If you are (and I did say 'IF) you are applying that to me, don't ever refer to me as Jezebel again. I've never been anything but kind to you as well as the majority of everyone else here.

When you speak of a stink room, don't be the vapor of it's existance. You deserve better than that. Far better. You need to come clean for your own sake. You're carrying an ought in your heart and even worse, you are doing the very thing that you taken issue with. What you are speaking under the guise of a post, goes alot deeper than one silly thread. And the thread you speak of is quite silly. I'm already past it. You need to be past it as well.

Peace and blessings... :Rose:
You know Laela....peace be still:ohwell:

May you continue on in your 'ministry' here in the CF.

I'm sure the 'other's' that are on here are enjoying this whole thing!

Praise the Lord!

I'm so sorry that this happened in your thread. I am. :love2:
You're right... they're not. :look:

All is well in my heart, so no need to look beyond my observation posts for what's not there.

Peace & blessings as well.

Honey, these thread issues are not that serious.

Peace and blessings... :Rose:
:look: I'm not in bondage to what others think.

Praise the Lord indeed!

You know Laela....peace be still:ohwell:

May you continue on in your 'ministry' here in the CF.

I'm sure the 'other's' that are on here are enjoying this whole thing!

Praise the Lord!
I was wondering today , also after that thread

is there really a spirit behind every thread?

serious jokes

I just seemed to have put together (call me slow) that it seems to be assumed alot that there is a spirit behind every thread lately ......and

I dont get it
What I've read today in another thread made me feel the same way.... My Lord and My God. :look: not cool, indeed, what went on over there as well. It's unfortunate you feel this way, but people can read subtle messages directed at others. How cool is that in the Body of Christ? So some can talk about spirits and others can't? Again.... no authority.
What's "not right" about this board is there's nothing wrong with the board. Just varying opinions and a sense of "control" by a few....

Why spray perfume in a stink room? If we want to be real, let's be.
I also was wondering how does healing and wholeness come to the broken without transparency?

should we have to be afraid of railing accusations and judgments with every post?

so much that we cant come with open-ness and transparency before our very own sisters in the Lord?
I would appreciate it if Laela and Irresistable would start another thread about the other thread you are referring to, instead of bringing the problem you may have had with the other thread into this one. When I started this thread, it wasn't about what you are speaking of.

I would really appreciate it.:yep:

Thank you and God bless.
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