Do I Wear My Bra Low?


New Member
I have a ridiculously long torso....So it looks lower than most (4 1/2 inches from apl to bsl), but then when I look at it in comparison to my waist it looks symmetrical. :ohwell:
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my torso is similar. i'm a little over 5'9". bsl is practically mbl on my body but sl to apl and apl to bsl took forever :ohwell:

OT: your hair looks nice and thick :)
I would suggest going to vs and letting them size you
your bra should end right under your breast and help to support them.
to me it looks low but only you know your breasts
Thanks ladies!

I would suggest going to vs and letting them size you
your bra should end right under your breast and help to support them.
to me it looks low but only you know your breasts

I actually did & she told me I did wear it low. . . but it looked normal to me. :ohwell:

I think she was only looking at the inches.

Plus, I'm 5'2. Super long torso. Short, short little legs. #fail
Yours looks right to me. I must have a short torso because my bra is almost on my waist-line lol. I'm 5'8", there's only a couple inches difference from my bra and waist. I wear mine low. It doesn't feel right higher up.
Yours looks right to me. I must have a short torso because my bra is almost on my waist-line lol. I'm 5'8", there's only a couple inches difference from my bra and waist. I wear mine low. It doesn't feel right higher up.

Lol right! I think I have about 4 more inches from bra to get to wsl. :lol: Crazy! But then from waist to hip is like... 1 inch. lmao.
OP we are def opposite. I'm 5'3 but I am all leg....with a short short torso. I hate it! I wear petite clothing but - can't wear petite pants, my ankles shoot out of them. :nono:
really your bra looks low in the front not in the back and I don't think there really is anything you can do about that unless you want to walk around hurting because you would have to wear push ups until your breast got use to the lift.
I am starting to think I wear my bra low as well. Not on purpose, it just feels better this way. From APL to BSL is like 6 inches. I have a long torso lol. And then BSL is pretty much 4 inches from MBL. Six inches from BSL to WL. Ugh

As for the question OP, I'm on my phone. I don't see a picture. Is it in your siggy? I don't get those either :-/

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