Do I really NEED to poo my hair?!?!


New Member
(Excuse my ignorance:spinning:) Im a newbie and Right now Im co-washing about 1x a week and d/c every week. I also do water rinses like every other day and baggy every night. I use AVC/ baking soda - 1x month to clarify and I just tried Bentonite clay- LOVE it

But... I see alot of people incorporate shampoo in the regime.. Some use Shikakai soap, would that be similair to a poo?

Do I Really need it, like what really is the purpose for it anyway?? TIA
I don't think you need a shampoo. I know many ladies that clarify with baking soda and follow it with an ACV rinse with no harm done.
The purpose of a shampoo is to cleanse the scalp and hair of oils,dirt, and product build up. You don't want product build up because the new products that you are putting on your hair will not completely absorb into the hair shaft.
Everyone's hair is different, as long as you "listen" to your hair and clarify as needed, your hair should be fine.
I have no clue what Shikakai soap is so I do not know the answer to that.
I hope that helped!
I haven't used shampoo in years.

I want to give up the 'poo as well. I've tried it in the past but could never get it quite right. I see that you are a Wen cleansing conditioner user (checked out your fotki). Your hair is very lush, long, and thick :yep:.
^^^it really does, when i first read about it, i thought it couldn't possibly work and clean your hair properly. But then i read a thread in the natural living section and tried it and haven't looked back since.