Do I really need to go the salon, to sort hair out!


Well-Known Member

As my recent posts have said I was experiencing severe breakage last week, through lots of daily TLC. Aphogee treatment, Conditioning washers, air drying my hair is not breaking as much 3-4 Hairs a day (Very pleased). Ladies if you have not tried it then wash your hair in the shower with hair going back off your face and the hair in your back. Although products do work, this is a defienet method that helps with detangling. I tried if for the first time this week :) The difference is like no other will never go back

To get back to the subject, I was thinking about going to salon anhd having a moisturing treatment ( No resconstruction or protein, aphogee is enough for nxt 6 weeks) As my breakage last week have left the ends of my hair thin and quite stringy. I have only started my journey recently so want to give my hair the best possible start. Do I bother, I can condition my hair myself, however I think that I do possible need to have a good cut not trim. So that the length I retain is good healthy and as thick as it can be.

What do you think I am in a dilema
I would say go for it. It seems like you have a good grasp of things now, but you are in need for a definite cut. I had to do the same thing last January. Ever since that cut, I was giving myself mini trims (dusting of my ends). I finally went to the salon a few weeks ago and got a professional trim. My beautician said that my hair looked real good and when she finished trimming my hair, I couldn't even tell the difference. Go for it girl, your hair will thank you :)

Thanks, You are right. I just needed to hear this from someone else who has come through the same. I have just under an inch in re-growth, and I am only 5 weeks post relaxer. So even if see cuts an inch off I know I will get back that inch plus (Fingers crossed) another 1 ½ when I relax in March.

Plus to be honest it may sound dirty but it really needs a good comb, I hate seeing hair in my comb to point that I DON’T. So once finished it would have had a good comb, and those nasty ends off.
Yup, I know for me it was really hard. I whined like a little girl:cry2:, it was really bad. My hair was coming out so bad that I would see my hair on the floor, all over the sink, on my coat, shirt, etc. But my friends got me through it. If I didn'ct cut my hair then, I definitely would not have any hair now. I'm glad your taking control of your hair and know what needs to be done to correct it and get it to grow long and healthy. I can't wait for your update.

I have just looked at your album. Give me the scissors and I will cut my hair myself !!!. You hair is FANTASIC. Well done, Looking at your start pics. That is what my hair is looking like now. You did the right thing. Your hair is so healthy what ever length you want.

You have made me so excited about my appointment on Thursday.

Can I ask the same ol question pls

Hair Regimen, Vitamin

Your inspirational

Will post an update for you
i don't think you're in a dilemma at all. i say if you want go to the salon for a cut but keep your money when it comes to taking care of breakage and using moisturizing treatments. you already took care of the breakage and imo you can do pretty much anything yourself. i hate giving these salons my money!!!!

I know what you mean I love looking after my hair, and they wouldnt be putting on anything I cant do myself. But sometimes its just nice to be pampered and not worry about it for a fews days. The main reason I am goiing is to get these ends off. It is only gonna cost me £35 about $20. So I dont mind. I usually now only go to a salon every 3 months for a relaxer.
LoL girl! Thanks for the compliment! Once I had my initial cut, I washed and deep conditioned every week. Used KeraCare Super Reconstructor and Affirm 5-in-1 Reconstructor every 4 to 6 weeks. Wrapped my hair nightly and applied KeraCare essential oils for the hair, biosilk silk therapy or Fantasia IC Hair polisher mist to my hair when needed. That was it. I did try other products from time to time, but as you can see, their not worth mentioning. Is what simple and chaotic all at the same time.

I did take some biotin vitamins in April but it made my hair texture change too strong and also my face broke out. So, I refuse to take another vitamin except for a multi. HTH
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I DID IT. Had it cut. Will have to sort an album out over the weekend. I have cut off about 2 inches. I love my new cut only because i know its TEMP!!!!! Now my challenge really begins with good head of hair.

However I still feel a little nervous I know it can be done but am I taking a risk in thinking that I can have long hair.

You would have been so proud of me in there, I told my stylist exactly what I wanted. I chose my own treatment, I demanded that I wanted a blunt cut no layers, and when she was going to flat iron I told her to put it on low and bearly tough my hair with it. She told me that I lots of roots for just beening 5 weeks post relaxer (YEAH) and that I should relax very soon. (Cnt blame her for not been educated) Wont be going back till mid March

I have never felt so in control about my hair.

I looked around that salon and I just to get up on my chair and tell them all what I having learning.

There was this one women in there, she was growing out a relaxer and was coloured blonde.
Her hair was terrible it was so frizzie and dry. She was havin a weave taken out. I watched her hair fall to the floor, then they detangled her hair DRY.
Then they shampood her hair and detangled again. Then they blowdried her hair, then they hot combed her hair. I felt bad for her!!!
This is a very reputable salon in the UK however I had to question there methods.
But turning the clock back 4 months and if that was done to my hair I wouldnt have said a word, thinking that it was the way to do things.

My hair can only bearly go in hair band now, What do I do to it.
There is no baggie for me anymore. Any Suggestions????
Sorry for the late reply Kizzy, I've benn trying to respond since yesterday afternoon, but everytime I came to this site it was running real slow. Anyway..........

Congratulations girl!!!! I'm so proud of you. I'm glad you were taking control of how the stylist was doing your hair. I know what you mean when you see other people having their hair tortured, I get a bad feeling when I see this happen. Your right about your roots, when I saw your album, I was really surprised to see how much new growth you have. I see that much aroung my 12th week, if that.

About suggestions for ways of wearing your hair. When my hair was cut, all I did was wear it in a wrap style. I would wrap it at night then unwrap it in the morning. It was fast and easy for me. Sometimes I would curl it, but for the most part it was in wrap style. Again, I want to say congratulations and you grow girl. Let me know if there are any other questions you may have.
Thanks luvlonghair.

Thanks for your support
I dont know who's album you have looked at (It wasnt mine) I have just started mine yesterday. Make sure you have a look. The address in my sign
You better believe if I have anymore problems I will be coming to you :)

No complaints at the moment, just fighting with my new growth. There no pleasing some people!!!! I would moan if there was no regrowth

Kizzy, Keep in touch
My apologies, I thought I had clicked on a link for your album, where was I at:confused: :spinning:. :lachen: LOL

Anyway, it doesn't change my response. I like your cut, it really looks cute on you and healthy. You can really get away with short hair cut (not saying you want this length) because you have a small head. My hair was cut to the same length after my 2nd chop in February 2004. Oh wow, I didn't realize in 2 weeks it would make one year since the 2nd chop. I must update my album!

But I really like it on you. I like how you have "temp" next to your picture, it shows that you know that your hair is going to be long and healthy real soon. I'm rooting for you girl. :)