Do I really have to drink the carrot juice?


Natural Again
I want my hair to be thicker. It's ok now actually but once my hair starts growing I get "see-through" ends and I want to eliminate it before it starts. I read on here that carrot juice is good to thicken hair but I don't want to drink carrot juice b/c I tried it and didn't like it. So long story short Can I eat one carrot a day instead of drinking carrot juice? ..or are there any vitamins I could take? Any help would be appreciated
Have you tried mixing your carrot juice with other juices? It tastes way better. Orange, apple and cranberry go well with it. I just tried a passionfruit blend and it was so good. I think a glass of carrot juice has more vits than eating 1 carrot.
Along with what Bettydavis said, I've learned that carrot juice goes directly to the bloodstream where carrots must be digested. Drinking carrot juice is like getting an injection of almost all of the vitamins and minerals we need for our health and hair. Some of the ladies here have been successful eating their carrots but they have to eat a lot to get the same benefits, not just a carrot each day.
scratchchin.gif mom bought me a Mystic Tropical Carrot and that was good. I thought mixing might lessen the effects of the carrot juice. Is that not true?
I'm not sure if the effects of the carrot juice is lessened when mixed with something else - I've never tried that. Many of the ladies here have though so maybe they'll report any differences.
well I love carrot/apple juice. That's pretty good. Also have you tried vitamin supplements. I find that if you take the EVERY DAY, there will be a definite change in your new-growth (which will eventually become your ends...)
henrilou said:
well I love carrot/apple juice. That's pretty good. Also have you tried vitamin supplements. I find that if you take the EVERY DAY, there will be a definite change in your new-growth (which will eventually become your ends...)

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I am in the process of looking for some good vitamins b/c I really think that will kick the hair growth up a notch as you said
I remember asking this same question on the originial carrot juice challenge post(particularly about baby carrots) this is what Isis posted in response:

The minimum is 2 ounces of carrot juice each day for good results. I'm not sure how many baby carrots that would be to eat. Some are eating a lot of carrots or drinking a lot more juice daily. Earlier in this thread I posted that 1/4 pound of carrots would make about 2 ounces. I don't know how many baby carrots that is or how many are in a bag. If it's in a one-pound bag, then you can estimate a fourth of that. 1 large carrot or 2 regular sized carrots makes about 2 ounces of juice
I dont do the carrot juice thing but try juicing them instead ob buying the juice at the store. Fresh carrot juice tastes a WHOLE LOT BETTER than store bought, even the fresh frozen stuff you find at health food stores.
Carrot juice taste much better mixed with apples and pineapples or oranges. It's much better to juice it yourself instead of buying those frozen juices.
it does taste horrible, but the benefits are well worth it. you'll get over the taste. all you need is 8 ounces daily. it does taste slightly better mixed with fruit juices like apple, but they are loaded with sugar. defeats the purpose imo. i purchase bolthouse farms 100% all natural. they also make the passion fruit mix and carrot apple mix.
I've never tasted carrot juice from a bottle. I always juice fresh carrots and the taste is delicious. Just try a small amount daily. I also read on this board that vitamin B5 helps to make the hair thick.
you can also steam carrots and then puree them in a blender and add milk and spices such as cinnamon and nutmeg and a splash of rum for an amazing drink. My father makes this all the time.
See if you can find carrot juice by the brand Bolthouse Farms. That stuff tastes GREAT, I swear. I normally hate the taste of carrot juice, but this stuff is 100% pure and it's wonderful!!!
ugh. the pure carrot juice by Bolthouse Farms is nasty!!!! The one that is apple carrot is good. I think it's called passion fruit.
aww, you don't like the Bolthouse pure carrot juice? I'm hurt, I'm hurt!

But I agree that the apple/carrot/passion fruit is also good as well.
lol i brought the carrot juice and mixed it with some apple juice and orange juice and it was too good. Does that heal ur broken heart, Bunny?
First of all if you dont want to drink the carrot juice, try the hair oil Surge at You can also purchase the vitamins that you seek for hair growth at
Thanks for all the responses
...I appreciate it so much. I did juice the carrots pure and @ first I was like ok, this is not bad, but the more I drank the more it tasted yuck to me. That was the first and last am hearing that mixing it would be a good idea, that I could eat carrots if I truly wanted, I like the recipe idea Brownshugaz and I am currently using the Surge Spray BttFlyAgel777, do you think that will help? I think I am gonna try juicing it again n see how that goes, and if not try the recipe and also try mixing it with other fruits. If all else fails I will just eat a bunch of carrots and keep Surging
I started drinking carrot juice but fell off the bandwagon.
Surge,co washes castor oil and taking solaray b5 vits helped thickend my stands.
I just discovered combing relaxer thru my hair was my biggest mistake.
Brownshugaz said:
I'm glad you like the recipe. Good luck!

Exactly what is drinking carrot juice supposed to do?

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It's supposed to make your hair thicker. There are probably more positives, but that's the one I was told
Maybe u using the wrong carrots. My mom can drink it, and I could not unstand how ppl thought it tasted good. But I started to make myself drink it and after a while I started to crave carrot and now its alot easyer. It does taste good, but that depends on the carrots I got some carrots from Wal mart and when I juiced them they taste toxic
, I was using organic carrots from whole food and the juice was sweet so there is a difference.
just drink small cup 2 oz or more and u will start to get use to taking it. maybe after a while it will taste good and u will want it daily
I didn't think about where I get them from..duh...I got mine from the supermarket but I guess I will try a health food store...thx
NYCQT16 said:
Thanks for the link mytiapln
...So many great tips to try...thanks ladies, you all are the best

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Your welcome.