do i need to moisturise my scalp?


UK Blak
Hello everyone, I 've had a flaky scalp but it's not itchy (well, not much). I've been washing my hair weekly for the last month (used to be every 2 weeks), stopped blow drying and I'm going to boost my water intake. Its not as bad as a few months ago but the flakes are visible a few days after washing. Or maybe I should increase the washes to every 5 days or so?

Do I need to moisturise my scalp or doesn't the hair glands (I forget the biological term) do this naturally?
Hi daughter,

I'd think the ACV rinse would help alleviate dry/flaky scalp...
thanks! I'll look out for that when I go to the shops tomorrow.
I was told to think of your scalp as an extention on your face. You moisturize your face so your scalp needs moisture too.
I don't since I stopped relaxing(about 2 years ago). When I first stopped it would still flake a little like you said...but then the longer I went without oiling my scalp, the less it flaked. After awhile I stopped seeing any flakes. Also you might want to check out your shampoo...some shampoos make my scalp flake.
That makes sense, the scalp is skin after all! It's just that I've often read that the scalp needs to breathe and we shouldn't "grease" it. Then again I guess it depends what type of product I put on my scalp.
ok I may try another week without oiling the scalp and see how it goes, then I may lightly moisturise it. Like you, the flakes aren't as bad as a few months ago but I want 'em gone!

Haven't settled on a regular shampoo yet, just trying out Desert Essence Shea Butter shampoo at the mooment. My hair isn't dry though.
I just wanted to put in, that I cant remember the last time I saw flakes since I started washing my hair every 3 days. I dont know what that has to do with it, But this post made me think back on it and I really cant remember the last time ive seen one.
i agree wit em girl coz i belive how ofetn u wash yo hair definatly comes into play coz the more moisture u apply to yo hair and scalp the less dry and flaky it shud look
Yeah I've decided to increase from weekly to perhaps every 4 or 5 days. I have seen less flaking than when it was every 10 days. It's just that when I was a kid every week was cool, no flakes back then... there again I didn't have so many products
Hi daughter,
I had a flaky scalp problem in the past also. But since I started washing my hair every 4 days, and rubing the mixure of jojoba oil and rosemary essencial oil for about 10 mn let it soak in my scalp for an hour or so and then wash my hair, right before washing my hair, the problem disapeared completly. My hair is stronger and my scalp very healthy and not dry, I dont need to put anything on my scalp.