Do I have to let the dye in my henna release?


New Member
Sorry if there's already been a topic exactly like this. I was wondering if you have to let the dye in one's henna release to reap the full benefits of condtitioning and strengthening? I wanted to see if I could just mix everything up and use it and still get the stregthening properties. I'm aware that I could use Cassia, but it's much easier and cheaper to me to buy henna plus I've heard henna conditioning is superior to cassia in some cases.
I want to try HENNA
I might try it :confused: need a clear understanding on wha exactly to get and how to mix it etc....
Nope. I never let it release before putting it on. I mix it and slather it on right away. By the time I am ready to rinse some color has been released, but I have never really gotten any drastic color changes in my hair - just a little, but in a good way. I have a couple of greys that got kinda red, but that's it. I only leave my mixture on for 40 min with 10 min under the dryer. I also use yogurt, which I understand can prevent some of the color release.

But, my hair still get the wonderful henna benefits. I love the thickness it gives. :D
Loveable37- Someone else could probably explain it better but the basics are to get henna that is Body Art Quality which is the safest one to use. Always do a strand test first with hair gathered from a comb or brush to make sure it doesn't disenegrate, weaken or turn the hair funky colored! When it comes to mixing, everyone does it different, but everyone need henna, a terp. to release the dye ( lemon juice or apple cider vinegar), and warm water. Alot of ladies also use different oils, honey, herbs, and/ or conditioner to help make the henna more conditioning rather than drying like it can be when used alone.
Personally I really like Lush brand henna from the Lush store, although it's not for body art, it doesn't have metallic salts or compounds which cause serious trouble with the hair. I use it in Noir and it makes my off black hair darker and stronger, but I am yet to see how it reacts with my relaxer, so I'm going to do a strand test with before using relaxer all over my head. So I love it right now, but am not positive I'd reccomend it until I get relaxed in a month or so.

HoneyDew- Once again thank you for the info! You henna guru, you!
metalkitty said:
Sorry if there's already been a topic exactly like this. I was wondering if you have to let the dye in one's henna release to reap the full benefits of condtitioning and strengthening? I wanted to see if I could just mix everything up and use it and still get the stregthening properties. I'm aware that I could use Cassia, but it's much easier and cheaper to me to buy henna plus I've heard henna conditioning is superior to cassia in some cases.

Hello metalkitty!
I use Cassia and for me the conditioning and strengthening properties are the same as henna. It made my hair feel and look fabulous. I use henna and then indigo to get my hair jet black and there are times when I don't want any color change and Cassia fills the bill. Also Cassia is easy to mix and apply. Just add warm or hot water to make a mix the consistency of pancake batter and apply. Keep on for 30 minutes and rinse. Your hair will be glossy and strong and I believe the results of Cassia are cumulative just like henna.
january noir said:
Hello metalkitty!
I use Cassia and for me the conditioning and strengthening properties are the same as henna. It made my hair feel and look fabulous. I use henna and then indigo to get my hair jet black and there are times when I don't want any color change and Cassia fills the bill. Also Cassia is easy to mix and apply. Just add warm or hot water to make a mix the consistency of pancake batter and apply. Keep on for 30 minutes and rinse. Your hair will be glossy and strong and I believe the results of Cassia are cumulative just like henna.

Thanks January Noir, I know I'll probably get around to trying Cassia one of these days, I just have a bit of Henna to get through first. I'll be happy to share my opinion and comparisons at a later date.
Hi metalkitty, I highly recommend that your read the thread, Do y'all henna?, for loads of invaluable advice, recipes, ideas, pictures, etc. I've used cassia myself and am very pleased with the results as far as strengthening my hair goes.

Good luck with your henna adventure.
metalkitty said:
HoneyDew- Once again thank you for the info! You henna guru, you!

Guru? Not even! :lol: I have only been using it for about a year now and even in the beginning I was still not really getting into it. I think that was because I was using commercial products only. Now that I have really gotten into BAQ henna, and other herbs, raiding Indian grocery stores I have really seen the AMAZING benefits these have on my hair.

I don't really want the color release either, although I have not been able to really stop it totally. I was looking at my roots near my edges this morning and they are BROWN BROWN BROWN. :look: I just did henna 2 days ago. It looks pretty though. I am waiting to see if anyone notices.

I used to mix cassia in with the henna and my hair color never changed. This was my first time just usign henna and amla powder only. So i am still trying to experiment and find combinations that I really like. I think this summer I want to let the color release more.
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