Do I blow up the Spot of K.I.M?


Well-Known Member
Do I blow up the Spot or K.I.M?

Okay, So my SO, who I'll call Darius, has an older brother who I'll call DJ. DJ has a GF/BM whole I'll call Keisha. Yesterday me and Keisha we at the house of DJ and Darius' mom with the kids, while DJ and Darius were bowling. They are in a league and bowl every Wednesday. So just making conversation I asked Keisha did she know what time they would be back and she goes, "I don't know what my cheating *** boyfriend is doing".

Now we aren't close AT ALL, and to be honest i don't really like her that much but she just went on and on, basically pouring her heart out about all his lying and how she doesn't care and he should just leave her if he won't be faithful.

The thing is I have seen DJ with other girl several time, like twice in the last week and about 4 or 5 times in the last 3 or 4 months. Darius also slipped up and told me about him sleeping with another girl at their mothers house.
My question is do i tell Keisha since she already has an inkling or do I just mind my own and keep it moving?
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It sounds like she already knows 'If he won't be faithful, why doesn't he just leave?'

Do these women not know that women can leave a man, too? :look:

I'm usually all about snitching, but in this case, it sounds like it might cause more drama, and she still would be tailing after him, catching whatever he's willing to give her. :nono:
Just listen and thats it...This looks like one of those situation that will quickly turn into YOU being the one "who always didnt like her and this is now your chance to get rid of her :rolleyes:"....she will turn on you, your bro in law will switch on you, maybe you SO and his mama. They all know but have stayed quite. This girl knows but still remains with him. All you can say is if she is unhappy with the situation then the only person she needs to be talking to at this minute is that boy(Yes BOY, because men dont/shouldnt behave like that.)
My first mind tells me to keep my mouth shut.
But then I wonder if I would want someone to keep the information from me and it kinda makes me want to tell her.
I consider myself to be a genuine person and I feel a little fake sitting in her face knowing what I know and not saying anything.
But then its the drama factor and I definitely don't wanna be involved in that.
My first mind tells me to keep my mouth shut.
But then I wonder if I would want someone to keep the information from me and it kinda makes me want to tell her.
I consider myself to be a genuine person and I feel a little fake sitting in her face knowing what I know and not saying anything.
But then its the drama factor and I definitely don't wanna be involved in that.
She already knows he is cheating. Why waste your wood if you have a good fire already?
^^^^You're right. I'm gonna just let it go cause I am almost positive if I put it out there I would have to deal with some type of repercussions.
She's the one who told you he's cheating. There's nothing for you to tell her. If she really wanted to be done with him SHE would leave HIM.
Leave it alone or you may regret it. If you get into that mess, you might mess up your relationship. She already knows anyway.
His mother knows he's sleeping with someone other than his GF at her house?

I think I already know the answer to this, though...