Do Heavy Proteins Reduce Shedding?


New Member
We know that heavy proteins, such as as Dudley's DRC-28 and Aphogee's 2-step treatment, reduce breakage.

Doe they also reduce shedding? If so, how does it do that?
I just did the aphogee 2 step & i still have lots of shedding

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I often read people saying it does, but I don't think so, at least that hasn't been my experience. Protein reduces breakage, I wonder if perhaps people confuse breakage with shedding.
No, just breakage. I protein hard, and the only thing that slows down shedding is black tea rinses, or AVJ rinses. Garlic works as well, but takes a while to see results.
i always notice that at the end of the summer, my hair sheds like a dog :nono:

This ^^^ why? My hair has been fine and now as the summer is winding down my hair is shedding like crazy. I was dealing with an itchy scalp the past few weeks and now this. So I thought there was a connection. Now no itch but shed hairs everywhere. I've been doing my protein once a week and it sure isn't helping shedding for me.
Shedding is something that happens internally. Unless you're drinking or eating protein, I don't see how it would affect your shedding levels. Not familiar w/the rinses mentioned or why they affect something that is internal. Interesting.
vtoodler I'm using Aphogee 2 minute. It really is an important part of my regimen. I used to avoid protein at all costs and now that I use it regularly I see a difference. This is the first time I'm having shedding issues.