Do extensions dry out your hair?


New Member
Do you think that it's more difficult to moisturise and take care of your ends when you have single braids with extensions, in comparison to cornrows?
I ask this because I used to always wear single braids with extentions and although my hair would be growing from the roots it slowly, if ever, gained any length.
i think its tough for have to make an effort to keep your hair moisturized while you have extensions in...thats what braid spray is can also use s-curl or stasofro.....
yes exetensions do dry out my hair that's why I decided to give myself a break from weaves and braids. The last time I took my weave out my hair was soooo dry. I knew then and there that I could not mess with the weaves anymore and I had to take care of my own hair. But make sure u use a braid spray or s curl to make sure your hair gets some moisture. HTH
I've tried using both care free curl instant moisturiser and braid spray but I'm not sure that it's penetrating the extensions. It feels like the synthetic hair is snatching up all the moisture. It could be the hair that I am using for these kinky twists. Or maybe I should lay off the extensions too.
i know what you mean missy....i used the marley hair for my kinky twists and its REALLY coarse and dry....ive been using my EQP oil moisturizer too, every few days...and i damn near SATURATE the braids with the braid spray and s-curl mixture....
Using S-Curl moisturizer as my braid spray really works wonders for me, so I don't have problems getting moisture in my hair and the ends. When I take down the braids, the hair underneath is always moisturized and never dry. HTH.:)
I think extentions can dry your natural hair out and cause split ends but if you keep your hair moisturized on a daily basis there will be no problems whatsoever. I wore single braids for over 3 1/2 years and no problems with dryness,thinning edges or split ends. I kept my scalp clean and moisturized and wore a silk scarf to bed every night. So, its not the extentions...its the upkeep.

next relaxer touch-up: July 23rd, 2005
Hair goal: 5 inches past bra strap by Dec. 2005
Current hair length: Touching bra strap (when blown out straight)
Those kinky twists are a beast! My sister had them and I almost cut my finger touching it. I think they are in a totally different category than normal braids. If you figure out a way to maintain moisture with them, please share.
chellee said:
Those kinky twists are a beast! My sister had them and I almost cut my finger touching it. I think they are in a totally different category than normal braids. If you figure out a way to maintain moisture with them, please share.
