Do any tex'd or natural ladies...

Do you?

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    Votes: 5 10.6%
  • no

    Votes: 38 80.9%
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    Votes: 4 8.5%

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view their true length being the one in its shrunken/semi shrunken state as opposed to fully stretched?

I ask this because alot of my other friends from a range of ethnicities consider only their hair in its natural shrunken state to be the only length to go by. Like when you ask how long their hair is they don't also say "it's blahblah stretched..." Alot of them don't straighten their hair so I guess it makes more sense for them to do it in that way. Do you or do you know other people who has that mindset?

I wouldn't mind being like this but it'll take so darn long for me and then there's people with hair to their waist that shrinks up to the shoulders.

Just an interesting thought...

I've noticed the only women who measure their "apparent" length don't have dramatic shrinkage. So what if your hair is at the top of your brastrap when curly and at the bottom of it when straightened?

Women of other ethnicities tell me about their "true" length all the time. I guess because they recognize that i'll understand the concept of shrinkage. ;)
So what if someone with shrinkage wears their hair straight sometimes? If they're at BSL (when straight) and someone compliments their "long hair" what should they say? "No it's not really long, it's actually SL on other days?" lol
In my pure shrunken state I could have 25 inches of hair and still have a TWA. :lachen: So I would not consider that my true length!
Since I've been natural, I have yet to straighten so I can't go on straightened length. Since I will probably only straighten on rare occasions it just makes sense for me personally to go by my semi-shrunken length.
I don't...

My shrunken length is ear length....

My straightened length is past armpit length...

I'm claiming armpit length...

If my natural hair reaches BSL, I probably will still be ear length shrunken... I have 80% shrinkage.

I've noticed the only women who measure their "apparent" length don't have dramatic shrinkage. So what if your hair is at the top of your brastrap when curly and at the bottom of it when straightened?

Women of other ethnicities tell me about their "true" length all the time. I guess because they recognize that i'll understand the concept of shrinkage. ;)

So what if someone with shrinkage wears their hair straight sometimes? If they're at BSL (when straight) and someone compliments their "long hair" what should they say? "No it's not really long, it's actually SL on other days?" lol
Thank you ladies for saving me the key strokes!
I notice that also Ladylibra...I wonder why that is?:ohwell:
LMBH...:lachen::lachen:I was thinking the same thing. And I guess my 20" phone cord is "truly" only 10" long because it curls up and "appears" to be shorter.
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I use my unshrunken state. Even though my hair only appears neck length, I can definitely tell the difference between neck length and brastrap length hair when I manipulate it.
I voted yes. Just because I usually wear my hair airdried and do not straighten it. I want it to hang a certain way unstretched. So my goals are based on my unstretched hair.
5 inches of hair is still 5 inches whether it's curly or straight, it just looks different.

My true length is measured in the number of inches, everything else is just relative. For example, APL can be 10in on some people and 15in on others. Appearance wise, they're both APL but length wise they are not the same.

For board purposes I go by stretching my (unstraightened) hair and then look at where it falls on my body.
Interesting question! I don't think alot about my length but when I do I think of it as my shrunken length. As an aside I get asked often "how long is your hair when it straight?" and this is asked mostly by non blacks.
i think of it like the curly part of a phone cord....the length is measured when fully extended. i do 2 measurements. one curly one fully extended.
i dont straighten my hair.....BUT

i did however blowdry it with an attached brush for the 1st time since finding LHCF in december and i was close to apl.....

but i still go with my unstretched.....shoulder length......coz thats the length of my hair most of the time....
I consider both lengths to be real. Re: the curly telephone cord, well, it's really hard to straighten them suckas out without ripping it right out the jack! I can stretch them easily some, but to get them to really be the length of their straight counterparts is hard. I just say "x length in its natural state, y length when straight". But the last time I really straightened my hair was 2001, so that straight length is not really relevant, it's not really workable length, you know. It doesn't mean much for my every day life, at least not really directly. But I admit that knowing the stretched length is the most accurate way to measure, and you can have an idea of what styles are possible even in the curly state if you know the stretched length.
Nah girl in that case I've been NL since the day I big chopped. :lol:

My natural hair has so many different textures, how would I even measure that! There's I just shampooed, which is longer than I just conditioned, which is longer than I let that thing air dry (turns into a FRO).

It's easier to just take a loose strand from my bun, pull it down and say 'this is how long my hair is'.
This question doesn't make sense to me. If you had a 50 ft garden hose, would you say that it was only 3 ft, because that is its length when rolled up. :lol:

I true length of something is it's maximum length.
I go by stretched hair too (though flatironed or blown out hair is probably a bit longer, I rarely do either).
Beyond the coiling and shrinkage issues, some people, myself included, have hair that grows OUT and not DOWN. So even with 70% shrinkage, 10" of coily hair moving every direction BUT down has a completely different appearance than 10" of curly hair bouncing on the shoulders, nevermind if the true length is 18".The true length of my hair hasn't been shoulder length in +2 years but it's only now touching my shoulders STRETCHED. It still doesn't come to my shoulders in a dry, unmanipulated state.

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To non-hair people, I claim my stretched length, but for the purpose of the hair community, and my yt viewers, I state both.

But my goal length is unstretched SL, so until then I claim to myself my unstretched length.
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I agree with everyone else. True length is stretched/straightened. I find on non black hair boards, ladies with 1-2b hair try to really argue with ladies with say 3a-b curls that their hair is not really a particular length because it is curled up. :ohwell: :look: