Do any other naturals......


Well-Known Member
brush your hair? My hair has always been very difficult to manage after wash day because of the tangles. I remember a friend mentioned to me about brushing my hair, but taking into account what some people mentioned about brushing (Cathy Howse) that it is not good, I was not eagerly trying to brush my hair. Robin (Hair Lady) also suggested that you should brush your ends with a paddle brush. Well I started doing that and then stopped. Well I came across this paddle brush that claimed (from testimonials) that it was the best brush they ever used. It would not break or pull the hair whether wet or dry, that it was a brush they would use and had been using for quite a long time. Well needless to say I ordered this brush and had it for about 1 month. I washed and deep conditioned my hair on Saturday and I usually plait it in eight sections. Well the next day, for some reason I decided to brush each section (divide that section in two) and use my paddle brush on each section. I first put on some avocado butter and proceed to brush through each section very gently which really did not take that long and when I combed through it, the comb just glided through my hair. I combed the hair out of my brush after each section and it was very little hair in my brush. I was shocked! I would not have to do this every day, just once a week. This would be great for me because I can stop wearing these wigs and wear my own hair. I was thinking about going to get a texturizer to make my hair more manageable, but if I can do this once a week it would be great to have tangle free hair. What do you ladies think. Do you think this will help my hair over time, or hurt it. The brush is made by Issinis or something like that. I would love to get your input. Thanks in advance.
I think brushing every once in while with a good paddle brush wouldn't hurt. I think they excellent for stimulating the scalp too.
Hi Fancy,

I am a 4a/3c transitioner. I have about 5-6 inches of new growth and 6-8 inches relaxed ends. I recently discovered the paddle brush and it's become my new best friend. I am using a Conair professional brush but the results are wonderful. I could not comb through my hair before this. I would end up losing patience and would eiter drag the comb through my hair
(horrible, I know!!) or my arms would get tired and I'd give up. Now I only detangle by brushing. I haven't used a comb in over a month. When I'm in the shower, I saturate my hair with conditioner, leave covered by a plastic cap for 5-10 mins and then use the paddle brush from ends to root in 4 sections to detangle. My hair is completely detangled and I lose maybe 10 hairs which is a huge improvement over the amount I lost when I tried to comb through. That's just my experience - HTH!!
Thanks for responding. At this rate, I will not have to get a texturizer. I'm still in shock! My hair was so silky and shiny and i saw very little frizz. I only did 3 of the eight plaits on my head so i will try to do the others today and tomorrow. It was so funny because when i was brushing my hair yesterday, it occurred to me that this is what you would do if you had a little girl and her hair was so unmanageable which we know is not hard to understand. The comb just glided through each section, effortlessly. Did i say i was in shock! If this is the cure-all to my tangled hair problem, then i will stay natural and will not get my hair texturized. I have an electric scalp massager that i use everyday AM/PM for about 2 minutes each time. I can see that i have gotten quite a bit of new growth, perhaps either 3/4" or 1" just in the month of March. I'm hoping to gain at least 3-4" by the end of June. I hope that it will happen without any mishaps.
I usually don't brush my hair to remove tangles unless it is soaked with conditioner. Once in a blue moon, I might just brush the edges with something like a toothbrush. My hair does not like to be brushed and combed unless it's soaked with conditioner.

BUT, not all hair are the same. If you think your hair likes brushing, by all means, go ahead, and see what happens. Eventually, some months down the line, you should be able to see results, good or bad, then you'll know for sure.
I use a paddle brush for detangling my hair while conditioning, and I have a boar bristle brush that I use to smooth my hair back into a ponytail.
I usually use a brush definitely when it is wet or at least moist from spraying it with water and some type of conditioner - not dry.
This is usually done when wearing it back in a ponytail at the nape (just recently reached this point - yeahh!!!!:O) or when setting it in flat twists/bantu knots for a knockout curly/wavy-do the next day.
I still find hair in my doesn't appear to be as much as before...right now i just use a regular bristle brush w/o the ball son the end...may consider getting a Denman that a few people seem to be raving about.
also sometimes use a brush to brush in conditioner into my wet hair and let dry naturally - gives some nice curls - also used w/Aveda elixir and be curly
I brush about once a month with a denman (D4), *very* carefully. I do it only after deep conditioning, and right before or while rinsing.

I also have the D3, but that doesn't penetrate quite as well and the bristles feel stiffer, and a bit scratchy - could just be that I picked up a bad one. The rest of the time I just use my fingers or comb.

It's been about a year, and so far I have not experienced any breakage, thinning, etc from brushing. It actually detangles better than my (stiff) bone comb, but I think I'm too programmed into combing to ever give that up.

If it's working for you, go for it!

My new best friend and my daughter's is the Denman brush - either the D3 or D4. Both are excellent. It detangles and smooths all at the same time. I am in amazement that this thing actually works as well as it does. I love all-in-one appliances so this all-in-one hair utensil has got me raving. I'm using it to detangle my part natural/part relaxed hair (I don't know if I'm officially transitioning. Just taking a reeeeeeeally long time between relaxers maybe, I think).

I don't think the Denman is really a brush maybe it's a "bromb". I guess that wouldn't have caught on.