Do any of you rollerset without the setting lotion??


Well-Known Member
This weekend I was in a hurry. I had to go to a family gathering and my hair was a mess. I washed my hair did a small deep conditioning. Then rince and blow dried. My hair came out soft, with lots of swing in it. I'm confused...Why is my hair much softer and more better than when I roller se it???

I'm starting to wonder if its not the setting lotion or maybe it's better for me to roller set without the Lottabody setting lotion. Do some of you rollerset without the setting lotion?? How has is it affected your hair' s health and growth? Any breakage?
I have never used liquid setting lotion.It makes my hair really crunchy. The mouse/foam setting loition that you have to pump provides a soft hold but no crunchiness. One week I just used oil and water to seal and my hair came out the same, the curls where just less defined. which doesnt matter cuz I always comb out the curls anyway. Now I just use Lacio Lacio and a Liquid Leave in. Works great :yep:
It's been years since I did a rollerset, mostly I did without anything because my hair has to have it simple. However, I liked the Isoplus wrap lotion for when I wanted added body and extra shine on my hair. That's what worked best for me.
My hair is too short now but when I did rollerset I stopped using setting lotion. My hair is fine and it does not like alcohol products. I don't even use hairspray. I like to be able to run my fingers through my hair and like that soft hydrated feeling. I don't let stylists use it on me either. The only kind of setting lotion I use to use was the old OLD school Miss Cool. It's a pink 5 minute setting lotion and I mostly used in on dry hair. I think it's discontinued but it was the answer to everything.
I never use setting lotion (hate it in any form), just a leave in conditioner. My curls still hold but are soft,shiny and bouncy.
I don't use setting lotion. Especially not lottabody because to me it's too hardening. If I used it I would use KeraCare wrap lotion. But instead, I just put my leave ins in and roll away....

Actually rollersetting is easier without setting lotion because the hair is easy to detangle somehow. Seriously...
I towel dry, add leave-in, then spray sections thoroughly as I roll them with conditioner, oil and water mix. The curls hold, it's glossy and has lots of body.
I rollerset with water usually. I bought some lottabody but can't figure out how to dilute properly so that I don't come out with crunchy curls, so I just gave it up. I'm pleased with using just the water.
I rollerset with water usually. I bought some lottabody but can't figure out how to dilute properly so that I don't come out with crunchy curls, so I just gave it up. I'm pleased with using just the water.

I use Lottabody... I went through about ten different setting lotions last year before finally coming back to Lottabody which has always worked well for me. I have the large Sally's spray bottle (It's about 24 or 28 oz). I put 5 oz. of Lottabody and two capfuls of Silk Amino Acid in the bottle. Then I fill the rest of the bottle with water. I also spray my leave-in on and comb that through before I start spraying the setting lotion mix and rolling my hair. I get the right amount of hold (my hair does not hold any kind of curl well without setting lotion) without the hardness. If you hair is coming out hard, it's because you are not diluting the Lottabody enough.
Thanks everyone.

I too noticed the same thing when using Lottabody setting lotion. My hair was not crunchy but simply.. a bit hard and dry. I did follow the instruction for diluting the setting lotion properly and still my hair was not as soft as when I simply use a leave in conditioner. My hair is more moisturized, softer , has more movement and is straighter.Its been almost a week since I did the this and my hair is better than ever. If I had done the rollersetting with the setting lotion, my hair would have been curly already by the 3rd day, dry and hard.
If I want soft curls, I only use my leave in + water. I haven't used lottabody since I was in high school.
Thanks everyone.

I too noticed the same thing when using Lottabody setting lotion. My hair was not crunchy but simply.. a bit hard and dry. I did follow the instruction for diluting the setting lotion properly and still my hair was not as soft as when I simply use a leave in conditioner. My hair is more moisturized, softer , has more movement and is straighter.Its been almost a week since I did the this and my hair is better than ever. If I had done the rollersetting with the setting lotion, my hair would have been curly already by the 3rd day, dry and hard.
Same thing happened to me. I diluted it well, even a bit extra and my hair was crunching.

I threw that bottle of Lottabody in the trash where it belonged.
I never use setting lotion, and my curls hold without it...even small curls. The spiral set in my siggy was done on co-washed hair and set with plain water.
I've never used setting Lotion; Its like using hair spray(stiff, dull hair) I only use a creamy leave-in with IC polisher to seal in the moisture and protect from heat while rollersetting and my hair is so soft and bouncy afterwards...I don't even have to moisturize...
I set my hair with Miss Jessie's curly pudding and a little Silk Elements Glossing Polish (Oil).

I never use setting lotion. I'm natural, and my sets always come out extra bouncy, moisturized and very soft. :yep:
I rollerset without the setting lotion. When I started rollersetting, for the first 10 years used Infusium 23. Every now and then I still use Infusium 23, but currently I'm using Lacio Lacio mixed with water. I think it's better to use leave in conditioners for rollersetting.

This weekend I was in a hurry. I had to go to a family gathering and my hair was a mess. I washed my hair did a small deep conditioning. Then rince and blow dried. My hair came out soft, with lots of swing in it. I'm confused...Why is my hair much softer and more better than when I roller se it???

I'm starting to wonder if its not the setting lotion or maybe it's better for me to roller set without the Lottabody setting lotion. Do some of you rollerset without the setting lotion?? How has is it affected your hair' s health and growth? Any breakage?
Lottabody is my old stand by - I just started using again since I am using the K-Pak Leave In Reconstructor instead of Lacio Lacio - I don't dilute by the instructions - I use more water than what the instructions specify and I don't get the hard/crunchy/crispy but a soft/firm (if that makes any sense) - My roller/wraps seem to last longer when I use this...
I do use lotta body but I dilute way down with fabulaxer leave in conditioner and water in my spray bottle. I also use a golf ball size of foam. I have to use something of my style will not last more than the day defeating the purporse of my roller set.
I have always used setting lotion, but not lottabody. Lottabody is too hard and strong for my fine strands. I just recently did a roller set with my leave in conditioner and a glossing serum and I loved it. My hair came out beautifully. It was soft, shiny and my roots (which are very curly right now) were not half as frizzy as they normally are.

When I do use setting lotion, I use Bronner Bros. Nu Expression or Mizani Foam Wrap and I just put it in a spray bottle. I use my leave in conditioner with it always.
I usually use Biosilk Silk filler, IC heat protectant, and SAA in my bottle. I just added a little bit of Keracare setting lotion to the mix. My curls always come out great.
I don't use setting lotion, but I do have my own mix that I use sometimes.

In general I think the thought is less is more. I use to use lottabody, but it made my hair hard and crunchy, no matter how little I used. Now I use water with some EVOO and Lacio Lacio and my hair is soft and bouncy.

Some women here just use water. I think I'm going to try that the next time I rollerset.
I thought my hair wouldnt hold a curl without setting lotion either. So I tried Motions Wrap lotion and even the stuff my stylist used which NEVER made my hair crunchy at the salon but when I tried it...:nono:

I only use a leave-in and a serum/heat protectant mixed.