Do Alma oil make you have breakage?


New Member
:sad:I want to know if anyone had this problem with the use of alma oil because I know that I havent been having this problem before I started using the alma oil. I currently use the same products as before and my hair is breaking more than normal.
I've used it off and on since forever...nope, no breakage from it. I've never heard anyone say so until now. From what I gather, amla powders used on hair (either alone or in henna mixes) can cause curls which already exist to tighten (doesn't create none where there is none). Has your hair become more curly since using it? If so, that could help pinpoint if amla is the issue.
I've noticed increased shedding when using it, but not necessarily breakage. Are you seeing the white bulbs on the end of the hairs or is it coming out in short pieces? I think Candy C mentioned in one of her threads that she noticed increased shedding when using this oil.
What brand are you using and how much are you using. if you use it for a prepoo, it's best to rub it in the scalp and leave on for no more than an hour. if you're using it to seal, a little goes a long way (don't douse your hair in it)...

I've been using it for prepoos and have not had any problems.
What brand are you using and how much are you using. if you use it for a prepoo, it's best to rub it in the scalp and leave on for no more than an hour. if you're using it to seal, a little goes a long way (don't douse your hair in it)...

I've been using it for prepoos and have not had any problems.
What brand are you using and how much are you using. if you use it for a prepoo, it's best to rub it in the scalp and leave on for no more than an hour. if you're using it to seal, a little goes a long way (don't douse your hair in it)...

I've been using it for prepoos and have not had any problems.

That may be the problem I have been wetting my hair down with it overnight
Well I would say no for me. I don't buy "pre-made" amla oil, but I do make my own blend from the powder along with other things. I have not experienced any breakage from amla powder or oil. In fact, I was having a little breakage about a month ago, adn started to do weekly amla tx (using the powder mixed with other things) and the breakage has stopped dead in it's tracks. That was the only think that I changed in my routine, so I will attribute the breakage stopping to that. From what I understand many of the pre-packaged oils (amla included) are made with mineral oil, but I don't know if that would cause or contribute to breakage.
sorry but what are the benefits of alma oil? i used it before but not for that long and i used it with a bunch of other stuff so im not sure what did what....not to thread-jack OP im just curious
I have some commercial preparations of Indian oils, but I usually make my oils myself. Personally, I think coconut oil is the compliment for vedic based oils and prefer to use them in that base. I would advise to not use any oil that has henna as an ingredient. I've never used a product w/ henna included because henna CAN act similar to a protein conditioner on some people so in a product designed for frequent use, it's a no go, and it ALWAYS affects hair color (if it's true henna). If you want henna, just use it separately as a treatment/colorant.

hairbrat_danni ....the benefits pf amla are many. For my purposes it gets and keeps hair dark (over time), esp. if it's infused in coconut oil.
Amla oil made my hair break off terribly! I did get a lot of shine, but also snap, crackle pop...
OK. Thats all I need is just one person with the same results now I know what the problem is, because I havent changed any thing else I only started using alma oil and then came the breakage.:nono:
For you who have had breakage, what other products are you using? Vedic products aren't really made to be used w/ alot of other stuff.
For you who have had breakage, what other products are you using? Vedic products aren't really made to be used w/ alot of other stuff.
I use the alma oil with mane n tale deep moisturizing conditioner over night and the next day I wash with aphogee shampoo, 2min reconstructer, pro vit leave in, wrap foam.
I make my own amla oil from the powder. Nothing but positive results. I have used the Dabur brand before, but it was like highly perfumed purple baby oil to me. Ok as a prepoo on dry hair. I don't recommend the Dabur. Making your own is much better.
I use the alma oil with mane n tale deep moisturizing conditioner over night and the next day I wash with aphogee shampoo, 2min reconstructer, pro vit leave in, wrap foam.

That's alot of protein! Do you use any moisture in your styling or deep condition w/ moisture? Amla is supposed reinforce a curl that's already there (it doesn't make curls on straight hair tho). So maybe that's your's acting "proteiny" on you when you already use tons of protein and then causing breakage.'re right about making your own (coconut or sesame as base is best, IMHO), but in terms of the breakage, I don't think the brand is the issue.

Tiffanita...what do else do you use?

**Mane and Tail is VERY high in protein generally even the moisture stuff, just FYI.
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