Do ACV rinses strip hair color?


New Member
Hello, this'll probably get answered later today but I was wondering if ACV rinses take out semi permanant color? I ask because although I've done them befor, my hair color was already really faded so I don't know if it did anything to affect the hair color.
I have heard of both honey and ACV stripping the hair of color, but not personally (never colored).
Hmmm, I don't think honey's stripped my color but I'm not sure since I haven't dyed in a long time... Anyone else have any imput?
Would like to know this as I did try the ACV rinse and was pleased with the results, and I will be trying it again in the future. I was also debating whether to get more hi-lites so this would be very helpful to know.....

I color with Bigen (to hide the greys) and the rinses haven't been a factor in fading for me. I rinse no less than 2 times a week, but typically, 3-4 times a week.
metalkitty said:
Isn't Bigen a permanant color though?

Yes it is. It is also a "deposit" color and does not lift to color, so it fades slightly over time. The rinse didn't seem to speed that up at all.
Bumping once again since I just put a rinse in my hair. Does anyone know if ACV rinses really take away the color does it also take away the shine and coating/ sealing properties?
HMMM......, i wonder if this is the reason i didn't get much color from my first henna treatment:sad:. I used ACV as my final rinse. Next time i'll rinse without it to see.
Funny this question should come up. My stylist highlighted my hair (permanant color) approximately 2 weeks go. I brought a gallon of ACV rinse for my stylist to use. He mention that he did not think it was a good idea because ACV strips color. I had heard before that Vinegar strips perms and color, however, had not really given it any thought since I do not have a perm. :rolleyes: