Do 4ab long hair ladies shampoo less?

Do 4a/b/c ladies shampoo less frequently?

  • I'm a 4 and shampoo/co-wash 1x a week

    Votes: 50 56.8%
  • I am 4 type and shampoo/cowash every 2 weeks

    Votes: 23 26.1%
  • I am a 4 type and shampoo about 1x a month

    Votes: 11 12.5%
  • I am a 4 type and shampoo/cowash daily

    Votes: 4 4.5%

  • Total voters
I'm on water only again, I'm on my 3rd month and loving it so far. I will clarify this weekend with an herbal powder or clay. I use a little Shea butter on the last bit on my hair and do not add anymore until I've washed again. I have to wash my hair at least 1x a week ideally. I notice that I get some tangles between wash days, but with water only most of them are detangled easily under running water, I don't use a comb and my coils clump, even my tighter patches clump more and more over time. I'm mbl probably because I haven't been babying my ends and I cut/trim at will. Since it's hot as ever, I've been spraying my hair with water whenever I pull it back into a puff between wash days.

Shampoo can be alright, depending on how soft it is if that makes sense, I personally have not cowashed for years because my scalp thrives on being pretty clean. I was previously shampooing my scalp and the length of my hair to remove old butter/oil and my hair was doing quite well with that. I like water only because it's a faster wash process for me.

Can you share pics of your hair? I keep wanting to try water only but I produce a negligent amount of sebum unless i massage a lot and drink oil.
I'm 4a/3c (mostly 4a) and I shampoo at least once a week. My hair despises build up and so does my scalp. I think it's less about curl size and more about texture of hair and your porosity when it comes to how much your hair likes being shampood
My hair is about BSL, and I shampoo once per week, and co-wash once per week. So I'm wetting my hair twice per week. My scalp gets flaky if I co-wash without using shampoo reguarly. I tried water only washing, which seemed to work okay, but after a while my hair started smelling weird, so I went back to the shampoo.
4a/b here but I'm between apl and bsl at the moment and I shampoo my hair once a week. My scalp itches a lot when I don't use a shampoo often enough and let me tell you, I'm one of those people that would scratch until I bleed...not good:nono:.

So once a week is good enough for me but I can stretch to about 3 weeks without severe itching. Besides I like my hair smelling great all the time. I have a hugger type personality so I like my hair smelling sniffable plus I live in the tropics. It is hot a lot of the time and sweat can easily become a problem - I don't like that either.
I actually think not washing your hair is why black women struggle with their hair. Going months without doing it wearing braids/weave. You have to clean your scalp just like you clean your body, brush your teeth. It's basic hygiene.
For the longest time I was clay washing weekly then shampooing when I thought my hair needed it (2 - 3 months?) I've gotten lazy and a bit broke so I have been shampooing weekly with a gentle shampoo. I think my hair prefers the original routine.
My hair prefers clay washing over shampooing. I don't use butters or other heavy products so I use shampoo (diluted) when I feel my hair needs a heavy duty clean (no schedule- say every few months), otherwise I use clay.