Dmdm Hydantoin


Well-Known Member
Over the weekend I thought about how the conversations about formaldehyde being bad for our hair and body. I decided to google soooo many products and their ingredients and noticed many of the products we use everyday contain "Dmdm Hydantoin or Methylene Glycol" which are the other names used for formaldehyde.

We know some relaxers, especially the one I was using Mizani Butter Blend (d@mn), neutralizers, shampoos, conditioners, foam wrap lotions, hair lotions, hair moisturizers, hair sprays, hair dyes and semi permanent, hair glue, gels and the lists goes on.

Needles to say, I was shocked that are so many hair products contain formaldehyde. People believe being natural is safer but by the list I just named disproved that notion. Geesh..

Everyone please choose what's best for you.