Divorced Wife #2 and Ready For #3


Well-Known Member
I am FB friends with several classmates from high school. There are about 5 of these men that have been married and divorced two or three times and they claim to be SO ready to be married again. :blush:I even had one of my classmates to admit that he was desperate to be married.:blush: What man admits to desperation? :perplexed And these are not old guys either.:nono: None of them are over the age of 42.

But the crazy thing is this: Most of them will end up with wife #3 or #4. :yep:

So this is what I'm noticing. Men have no problems marrying as many times or whenever they choose, YET alot of women have trouble getting married just one time. What gives with these men and marrying 50/11 times?
It's a man's world. A man who is willing to get married has an easier time finding a willing female to marry him than the reverse. I think it may have always been that way.
I also believe too that it's easier to be of a certain age (say, over 35) and get RE-married, than it is to get married for the first time.

I see that holding true for both genders.
I also believe too that it's easier to be of a certain age (say, over 35) and get RE-married, than it is to get married for the first time.

I see that holding true for both genders.

I agree with this Bunny. I'm divorced, over 35 and under 40:drunk: (ok, 39), and I've had one serious proposal from a guy over 45 since my divorce. He was so ready and I was so NOT ready for him. My baby was only a few months old and the ink wasn't even dry on my divorce papers when he called with the madness. :nono: And I hadn't even talked to him in a while, but he was ready. :rolleyes: He was another one of the desperate ones.
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