Diva's finally resurfaced... kinda... hair update....


Well-Known Member
Diva\'s finally resurfaced... kinda... hair update....

Well, some of you probably remember that I had hair shedding issues. I am happy to report that by 2-4 months time, it was resolved. My hairline then was what I was still complaining about. Then even much to my surprise I felt <gasp> veeeeeeeery thin spots in the nape area of my hair. I was mortified. Mind you, since I removed the braids from the summer, August I believe, I didn't re-braid as I was giving my hairline a break, neither have I relaxed my hair as yet either. Therefore I'm about 7 months post-relaxer. I finally decided to go to my GP and get a full physical done. Among my many "let me get all my concerns and complaints in now", was the fact that my hair has thinned out along the hairline, then the bald spots.... The doctor, being an African American woman, told me that if I waited too long to relax that it could result in the hairloss. I was like, "Honey, I'm the hairgrowing queen. You preachin' to the choir!" Mind you, I said this in my head. I knew this wasn't the case as I keep my hair very moisturized so that I don't have a breakage problem. Matter of fact, if you look in my album, my last pics added after a wash gives my hair the appearance that I don't even have a relaxer. She did bloodwork on a Friday and by Monday morning my phone was ringing. I have hypothyroidism. Some of the symptoms include and are not limited to hairloss, weight gain, tiredness, etc.... Meanwhile, I had been attributing this to postpartum fall (and the tiredness to the baby wearing me out!). I have begun taking medication and will have bloodwork done again in a month to see if my body has adjusted itself. As we speak, I haven't put the braids back in nor have I had a relaxer. Thank God I freelance and don't work in corporate America. My protective style consists of well moisturized plaits... about 5 (see album) tied with a silky scarf that has been bunned in the back, then topped with a hat... be it a fedora or kangol....

Lesson here... if you find that your hair is shedding more than usual, go see your general practitioner and get a physical to make sure everything is OK. There are so many illnesses that can have an affect on hair... i.e. anemia <raising hand>, thyroid problems, etc.

The funny thing is that weight wise, I am lighter than my pre-pregnancy weight. During the physical I weighed 133 1/2 lbs. Mind you I was 137- 140lbs before getting pregnant. Must be that 30 day pilates challenge that the Vevster and the crew got me into over on the Health and Fitness board. Anyhow, as a sufferer of chronic depression, I'm trying to come on out now and holla at my girls.... Miss ya'll /images/graemlins/kiss.gif... even though I've still been here. Just haven't been posting like I used to. /images/graemlins/wave.gif
Re: Diva\'s finally resurfaced... kinda... hair update....

Hi Diva! /images/graemlins/wave.gif It's good to see you. I'm glad you resolved your shedding issue! /images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: Diva\'s finally resurfaced... kinda... hair update....

I'm glad to see that you are doing ok.
Re: Diva\'s finally resurfaced... kinda... hair update....

Diva /images/graemlins/kiss.gif I'm so sorry to hear about your hairloss and the thyroid, but you KNOW I'll be praying for you!
Re: Diva\'s finally resurfaced... kinda... hair update....

Hey Diva, glad your back. /images/graemlins/wave.gif
I agree with you about getting checked out if things don't appear normal. I was losing hair by the handful even with every attempt to keep hair moisturized and doing protein treatments etc... I found out after having a physical & blood work that I am extremely anemic and the total lack of Iron was making my hair come out like crazy.
Re: Diva\'s finally resurfaced... kinda... hair update....

Diva I'm so glad that your doc was able to find out the issue. That medication should help significangtly with not only the hairloss but even depression (my family has a history of thyroid disorders and pregnancy often makes them show up). You take care and hope you feel all better soon /images/graemlins/kiss.gif
Re: Diva\'s finally resurfaced... kinda... hair update....

Hey Diva! Glad your back. My sister is on thyroid meds and she was told to take 2,000 - 3,000 of evening primrose oil daily to kind of counteract any side affects of the thyroid meds! Have you heard this? Hope all is well for you!
Re: Diva\'s finally resurfaced... kinda... hair update....

Hey Diva /images/graemlins/wave.gif

So glad you're back!!! We've all missed your hair posts. I'm glad you got your condition checked out, and thanks for potentially helping one of us! Take care, and my prayers are with you girl /images/graemlins/kiss.gif
Re: Diva\'s finally resurfaced... kinda... hair update....

I wish you all the best in learning to cope with your hyperthyroidism. Thank you for sharing your story. It is good that you were on top of things. On another note, you are right, your hair does look natural in your recent photos. You must have A LOT of shrinkage!
Re: Diva\'s finally resurfaced... kinda... hair update....

hey Diva. Thanks for checking in. I think your hair looks great inspite of the problems you've had.
Re: Diva\'s finally resurfaced... kinda... hair update....

Thanks Everyone, for your warm words of encouragement. I welcome as many prayers as I can get. The good thing is that I was taking my usual vitamin suppliments that included the evening primrose, etc. Maybe that's why my hair still appears to be thick in most areas. I know if I walked in to any hairdresser, they'd want to slap perm on my head from root to tips. Shringkage is no joke. I've got 7 months of new growth going on. I might as well be transitioning. The funny thing is when I lube down my hair with the Better Braids Unbraid Spray, it stretches out easy without any snapping. Now you know when I finally get a relaxer and put that pic side by side with my relaxed pic that I better see some drastic difference. Who knows... with the shedding, if it looks too thin when relaxed, I'll do a trim. I don't want long, thin, see through hair. There's both hypo-thyroidism and hyper-thyroidism. I have hypo...
Re: Diva\'s finally resurfaced... kinda... hair update....

P.S. That last pic is hair that is freshly washed... no products.
Re: Diva\'s finally resurfaced... kinda... hair update....

Wow Diva...I thoroughly enjoyed your album. I learned so much just in a few minutes time. Glad to hear you figured out the cause of the hair and health problems.
Re: Diva\'s finally resurfaced... kinda... hair update....

welcome back to the board Diva /images/graemlins/wave.gif. I'm happy things are back on the up an up.
Re: Diva\'s finally resurfaced... kinda... hair update....

Hi JD, I too was diagnosed with HT earlier this year. I am so glad that you were diagnosed early. Mine was not caught at first because it is hard to detect. I refused traditional meds and am doing alternative therapy. It has worked and I am finally losing weight. I will be praying for you. Q
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Re: Diva\'s finally resurfaced... kinda... hair update....

/images/graemlins/kiss.gif Always glad to see you JAmericanDiva! /images/graemlins/wave.gif I understand about the depression so I'm extra glad to see you post. /images/graemlins/smile.gif God Bless you.

Thank you so much for sharing about the hair loss situation...I still have a quarter size thin spot. Hypothyroidism, huh? making gp appointment...
Re: Diva\'s finally resurfaced... kinda... hair update....

Hi JD /images/graemlins/wave.gif
Glad to hear that you have found the root (no pun intended!!!)of your shedding. Your hair looks lovely and thick.
Re: Diva\'s finally resurfaced... kinda... hair update....

Diva, you're hair is still looking good! I was browsing through your album and I must say your baby is so so CUTE! I love that smile!
Re: Diva\'s finally resurfaced... kinda... hair update....

Welcome back, AJD--I am glad that you found the source of your shedding and that you have some medication. Your post hit a nerve. I am extremely anemic, but my hair has been shedding more than normal lately. I was trying to convince myself that it was seasonal, but I am going to get a check-up. Thanks and welcome back /images/graemlins/smile.gif! Oh, and can't wait for the comparison pics!
Re: Diva\'s finally resurfaced... kinda... hair update....

welcome back to the board Diva!

Re: Diva\'s finally resurfaced... kinda... hair update....

Welcome back Diva /images/graemlins/wave.gif
I've just returned to /images/graemlins/cool.gif

Dat hair is looking GOOD girlfriend!
Re: Diva\'s finally resurfaced... kinda... hair update....

Hey girl /images/graemlins/smile.gif Welcome back...I was about to PM you and saw this post...lol. I guess I can still PM you /images/graemlins/wink.gif:D
Re: Diva\'s finally resurfaced... kinda... hair update....

Hi Diva, It's good to see you!!! /images/graemlins/wave.gif

I'm glad that you have things under control. Your cakes look great. /images/graemlins/lick.gif You are soooo talented.