Distrustful of men.....


What are some ways to get over, being hurt by someone you really had feelings for?
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Time.... getting over hurt takes time. That is all i know :yep:. "Love takes time to heal when it hurts so much..." I believe that is how the song goes. There is truth to it. And faith that all things work out as they should in God's plan.
TIME!...Uh, sometimes another man helps to pass the time as well. :grin:

That's what I was about to say, get you another one. :lachen:

But on the real, time. May take a little time, may take a lot. I grieved and mourned over a dead relationship for 1 1/2 years. But you know what? I got over him. Now I can pass that Negro in the street and not feel anything.

When you get to that point, you'll wonder why you sweated it in the first place.

They say you gotta get out and do things. With friends, whatever. That's really true. You can't sulk all day, every day because you'll feel worse.

I had to force myself to do stuff. And it was so hard. But for me, distraction helped a whole lot.
Keep yourself busy so that you won't think about him..and if you start thinking about him, think about all the bad things he has done. Also, say to yourself, "he dosen't deserve me."

(((HUGS))))) Good Luck to You!
Time, not putting a guilt trip on yourself, knowing your self worth, knowing what both of you contributed to the relationship and accepting that things happen for a reason - you'll be with the one you're supposed to be with...what is for you, will be there for you! These things will help ease the pain
You have to forgive...point blank

As cliche as it may sound, there are some good men out there. Too many times they are penalized for what the previous persons did to us. Trust me I had to learn the hard way.

After you have taken that time to heal, you need to open your heart back up. It only necessary to learn how to love and cope again.
Thank you all for the advice. We decided to just be friends. I am getting over him slowly but surely, but sometimes I want to just shank him or something...lol :lachen:. But I get over those urges eventually. The forgiveness thing is a little hard, but I am working on it.
What are some ways to get over, being hurt by someone you really had feelings for?

I took me about 2 years to really get over everything. And, I still have scars, still notice that I'm carrying baggage from my last relationship in my current one. Don't let the next man suffer over what another man did to you. So my advice to you is GET OVER IT don't hang on to the hurt LEARN FROM IT AND MOVE ON don't let it eat at you. If you have to vent...GET IT OUT write a letter, poem, song turn your hurt into creative energy...LET IT GO, burn items that he got you if you have too...don't talk to him, his momma, or his friends delete their numbers and if they call you tell them you have moved on with your life, your done and have a wonderful life hang up and if they call back decline the call. GO OUT, HAVE FUN, DO NOT...I REPEAT DO NOT SIT AT HOME...HANG OUT WITH YOUR FRIENDS and enjoy being single. PRAY, PRAY AND PRAY!!!
What are some ways to get over, being hurt by someone you really had feelings for?

By realizing that HIS actions were unique to that individual and are not symptomatic nor representative of ALL men.

By realizing that if you carry your hurt feelings into your next relationship, it is more likely NOT to succeed.

And by realizing that like us, sometimes men do dumb things. What he did, whatever it is, to break your trust has nothing to do with YOU and everything to do with him. Separate yourself from his actions and don't blame yourself cuz no matter what he did, and no matter why he said why he did what he did - it's not you!

And smile! :)