Distilled Water Final Rinsers -->


New Member
If you are using distilled water for your final rinse, it would also be beneficial for your first rinse to be with distilled water as well.

It's the same idea as when you go swimming, you wet your hair thoroughly so that it absorbs the clean water, and soaks up less of the harmful chlorine water. I think I remember reading that if you wet hair thouroughly before swimming, it will only absorb about 20% of the chlorine, instead of 100%.

Using that same logic, using distilled water as the first rinse, your hair will absorb the pure water, and less of your tap water which is not as pure.
You're completely correct, Soulchild.
In fact, Sweetcocoa, the LHCF member who brought this wonderful suggestion to the Board, was doing entire washes with only distilled water. I, however, am a chicken when it comes to cold water in the shower.
So, final rinse is it for me! I do, however, mist my hair with D-water prior to putting my warmed oil as a pre-shampoo treatment.
You know, I first began using bottled water for the entire wash but then I started to get lazy. And also, I felt I wasn't getting the benefits of using the shower head like completely rinsing away all the residue. And it's more convenient as well.