Distilled Water as a rinse??


New Member
Hi I am a newbie here!! I wanted to know if any of you ladies have ever rinsed or washed your hair with distilled water?? If so Does it work for you?
I tried a ACV rince with distilled water. I didn't really notice any difference from softened water in our house.
It makes a big difference if you live somewhere with hard water and you don't have some type of softener or filtering system in place. I've done it before but it was a pain so I bought a quality shower filter instead.
nurseN98 said:
It makes a big difference if you live somewhere with hard water and you don't have some type of softener or filtering system in place. I've done it before but it was a pain so I bought a quality shower filter instead.

Really I thought so, I live in Michigan and I think we use hard water so I think I will try the filter. How much did you buy yours for and what kind was it?
I was using it for a while. Water filters, no matter how high quality I tried, never did much of anything. They certainly did not soften my water and they lasted a very short time. So, I started using distilled water to rinse. But I no longer do that anymore. It was okay, but kind of a pain in the ***. And honestly, despite all the warnings about hard water, my hair seems fine. However, I do use citric acid conditioner rinses regularly, so that might be helping.
When we moved to Arizona for 3 years from Colorado, I noticed a huge difference. My hair was much more dry and straw like no matter what I did to it from all that super hard water. I am so glad to be back in Colorado where the we get our water strait from mountain run off and I can tell a huge difference!