Distilled Water and Clarifying Shampoo


New Member
Thanks to suggestions from members of this board, I have started using both distilled water for the final rinse of the conditioner and clarifying shampoo in my regimen this past month. This past week, I used my clarifying shampoo in addition to a moisturizing shampoo, conditioner and distilled water and my hair came out extremely soft and easy to comb. There was a noticeable difference from the previous week when I did not use the clarifying shampoo in my regime.

I know many members suggest using a clarifying shampo once a month, but I am curious if it can be used every week or every two weeks? Does anyone use clarifying shampoos every week or every 2 weeks? Can it possibly be too harsh for relaxed hair?

I use clarifying shampoo and follow up with a moisturing shampoo once every two weeks. The clarifying shampoo is great at removing build up.
Since I've started the daily rinsing and conditioning, I clarify once a week with a shampoo from Elucence. It does not leave my hair felling stripped but very clean. I always follow up with a moisturising shampoo (Elucence or CON) and so far I haven't experienced any problems with drying.

Prior to May, I only clarified once a month.
Thanks sbaker and armyqt for your responses...I think I will use the clarifying shampoo every 2 weeks.....I really liked how my hair turned out when I used it.